Stock Exchange Tools
- You need the right tools to invest successfully in the stock exchange.stock market analysis screenshot image by .shock from
Investing in the stock exchange requires up-to-date information, good advice and available educational resources. A good investor has access to effective stock exchange tools to help increase his chances of making a profit on his trading activity. There are many different kinds of stock exchange tools available that can help you stay competitive in the investment industry. - Investools offers a comprehensive resource for stock market investors complete with courses in trading, online links to books and investing resources, instructional videos, investing tools such as market charts and lists of stock results, programs to analyze stocks and online resources that can try to determine the future performance of a stock. Investools also offers a variety of coaching options that can put an investor in touch directly with a stock market expert.
- E-Trade is one of the more popular online stock market investment websites that allows investors to make trades for a low per-trade price as opposed to paying a commission. The website offers advice on how to get started in investing, a real-time stock ticker and options for trading from your mobile communications device. E-Trade also offers retirement account options, full banking services including checking and savings accounts, small business investing advice and free online investing seminars.
- Investopedia is an online stock market investment tool created by "Forbes" magazine. The site offers several different kinds of stock market investing account options, a library of articles on stock market news and advice to investors. Other stock market investment tools offered are stock tickers, advice on how to invest in foreign markets and information on personal and business insurance.
- Stock Charts offers stock market charts on the various exchanges and the individual companies being traded on those exchanges. The charts on the site are updated instantly, and there are a wide variety of comparison charts available as well. Comparison charts compare the activity among the various exchanges, and can also compare stock activity within a particular exchange among specific stocks.
- Traders Direct offers the line of stock market trading software know as StockAnalyst. Standard, pro and elite versions of StockAnalyst are available. The StockAnalyst line of software offers investment tools such as customizable charts, stock price trend tracking and detailed financial reports on each company in your portfolio. As you move from the standard to elite versions, you are given access to more detailed financial information about your portfolio companies, more customizable trading charts and real-time updates from stock exchanges all over the world.