Dealing With Overwhelm
We all experience it one time or another...
that feeling that we've taken on too much.
It's not a good feeling to have nor is it healthy for you, mentally or physically.
So what can you do when you get to this place? How can you regain "control" of your life? There are several things you can do.
I'm sharing what I've found to be most effective for me in my personal circumstances.
Write it down.
I make a list of all the demands being placed on my time.
Then I step back and look carefully at the list.
What on there means the most to me? In my case it's family.
Always family first.
So I keep things that are family oriented as non-negotiables if possible.
Take a closer look.
Looking at the "things to do" is there something that seems larger than life or too big to handle? If so, write down all the tiny steps that need to happen in order to complete this task.
You can only do one thing at a time.
For me this seems to bring an inner peace unlike any other solution.
If I have time I'll find a Bible verse that has meaning and incorporate it.
May sound corny, but nothing clears your mind like a nice walk or run in nature, or something physical.
If you're not one that has an exercise routine or likes to exercise I strongly recommend trying a walk.
The health benefits are numerous and you'll be amazed and how much it clears your mind.
I promise at the end of a good 20-30 minute walk you will have clarity on what needs to happen to make your life less overwhelming.
Yoga is another wonderful practice for relaxation and focusing on the present moment.
Outside Support.
I'd be remiss if I did not say this.
If you find that you're having that feeling of overwhelm on a regular basis and nothing else seems to work, I highly recommend a good therapist or life coach.
Sometimes it takes another persons objective look at your life to see where you need to eliminate things or restructure.
If you're not comfortable taking that step, talk to a girlfriend.
That's a good first step in the right direction.
For now, take a big deep breath, let it out slowly and remind yourself "This too shall pass.
that feeling that we've taken on too much.
It's not a good feeling to have nor is it healthy for you, mentally or physically.
So what can you do when you get to this place? How can you regain "control" of your life? There are several things you can do.
I'm sharing what I've found to be most effective for me in my personal circumstances.
Write it down.
I make a list of all the demands being placed on my time.
Then I step back and look carefully at the list.
What on there means the most to me? In my case it's family.
Always family first.
So I keep things that are family oriented as non-negotiables if possible.
Take a closer look.
Looking at the "things to do" is there something that seems larger than life or too big to handle? If so, write down all the tiny steps that need to happen in order to complete this task.
You can only do one thing at a time.
For me this seems to bring an inner peace unlike any other solution.
If I have time I'll find a Bible verse that has meaning and incorporate it.
May sound corny, but nothing clears your mind like a nice walk or run in nature, or something physical.
If you're not one that has an exercise routine or likes to exercise I strongly recommend trying a walk.
The health benefits are numerous and you'll be amazed and how much it clears your mind.
I promise at the end of a good 20-30 minute walk you will have clarity on what needs to happen to make your life less overwhelming.
Yoga is another wonderful practice for relaxation and focusing on the present moment.
Outside Support.
I'd be remiss if I did not say this.
If you find that you're having that feeling of overwhelm on a regular basis and nothing else seems to work, I highly recommend a good therapist or life coach.
Sometimes it takes another persons objective look at your life to see where you need to eliminate things or restructure.
If you're not comfortable taking that step, talk to a girlfriend.
That's a good first step in the right direction.
For now, take a big deep breath, let it out slowly and remind yourself "This too shall pass.