Trimming Abdominal Fat With the Most Effective Belly Exercise
Trimming abdominal fat is a very daunting process for many.
Many people assume that getting rid of fat from the abdomen is not only difficult but impossible.
This could not be further from the truth.
Currently, popular exercises for the abdomen include crunches, sit-ups and jogging.
While these may be effective in helping to reduce fat, they may not necessarily be the best or most convenient.
In fact an exercise that focuses on the belly only does exist and it is indeed convenient.
It can be carried out anywhere and at any time.
You may be watching a movie, at work or even socializing with friends and no one needs to know what you are up to.
The exercise does not require any gadgets or equipment and you do not have to don any workout clothes.
This exercise is known as the vacuum pose and has been used by body building celebrities intending to reduce the size of their waist.
Simply suck in you belly and hole the pose for as long as you can.
To be more specific, pull in your abdomen.
Imagine that you are sucking your belly button in and trying to touch your spine.
You may choose to inhale and hold your breath while you do this.
Hold the position for as long as you can.
This may range from a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on one's stamina.
When done, gradually exhale and release your belly button.
This exercise actually works on toning the abdominal muscles and helps to burn off the excess abdominal fat at the same time.
Individuals with heart and lung disorders may find this exercise difficult and may choose not to do it.
Doing this exercise for 5 minutes, daily, can help you lose as much as 1.
75 inches from your waist within 1 month.
The vacuum pose will definitely help you achieve the "6 pack" look and shed that irritating belly fat.
Many people assume that getting rid of fat from the abdomen is not only difficult but impossible.
This could not be further from the truth.
Currently, popular exercises for the abdomen include crunches, sit-ups and jogging.
While these may be effective in helping to reduce fat, they may not necessarily be the best or most convenient.
In fact an exercise that focuses on the belly only does exist and it is indeed convenient.
It can be carried out anywhere and at any time.
You may be watching a movie, at work or even socializing with friends and no one needs to know what you are up to.
The exercise does not require any gadgets or equipment and you do not have to don any workout clothes.
This exercise is known as the vacuum pose and has been used by body building celebrities intending to reduce the size of their waist.
Simply suck in you belly and hole the pose for as long as you can.
To be more specific, pull in your abdomen.
Imagine that you are sucking your belly button in and trying to touch your spine.
You may choose to inhale and hold your breath while you do this.
Hold the position for as long as you can.
This may range from a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on one's stamina.
When done, gradually exhale and release your belly button.
This exercise actually works on toning the abdominal muscles and helps to burn off the excess abdominal fat at the same time.
Individuals with heart and lung disorders may find this exercise difficult and may choose not to do it.
Doing this exercise for 5 minutes, daily, can help you lose as much as 1.
75 inches from your waist within 1 month.
The vacuum pose will definitely help you achieve the "6 pack" look and shed that irritating belly fat.