Going from Dating to a Relationship: 4 Things You Should Do
Going from dating to a relationship can be tough to initiate no matter how practiced a guy is on the dating scene. The fact is that each girl is different so the approach should be different for each of them. For guys who are thinking about moving from dating to a relationship, following are some tips to ease this in with the girl.
Make it More Personal
Dating is general but a relationship is personal. This might sound confusing, but guys have to keep in mind that moving from dating to a relationship means stepping the effort up a notch. For example, guys who are on the "dating" phase would usually do general things guys do: buy her flowers, take her to dinner, and watch a movie together and so on. For those who are aiming for a relationship however, the best thing to do would be to gift her favorite flowers, watch her favorite movie, bring her to a favorite restaurant and so forth. Use the information they provide to set up personal situations so that they would realize how attentive you were when they were talking. The fact that a guy listens would definitely nudge a female into thinking about something that is long-term.
Meet the Friends
Meeting her friends and vice versa is an important step when going from dating to a relationship. This lets the girl know that the guy is already thinking long-term by introducing her to his social group. Ideally, guys should also ask to meet her personal social group, but this should be done casually without pushing her into the decision. Make sure to keep the first meeting casual, perhaps during a dinner or somewhere where the situation is safe and manageable.
Let Her Meet the Family
Now this move is practically a large neon sign advertising going from dating to a relationship. Ideally though, this should be done after several months of dating, preferably over a casual dinner or lunch. Note that allowing her to meet the family is already a big step because this basically means that the male is presenting her as a possible life partner. Keep in mind that the same holds true for the girl so once she decides to initiate the "family meet-up", then she is hoping of going from dating to a relationship.
Make Plans
One good way o nudging her on going from dating to a relationship is by making long-term plans where she is included. It could be a weekend trip or promising to do something for her next birthday. This lets her know that the guy is making plans including her, signaling |something long-term or permanent.
When it comes right down to it however, going from dating to a relationship involves talking with each other. The signs are not usually enough and in some cases, a girl could easily misinterpret this. Hence, guys should be upfront about their intentions and give the girl time to assess the current situation. Only verbal agreement would cement going from dating to a relationship.
Make it More Personal
Dating is general but a relationship is personal. This might sound confusing, but guys have to keep in mind that moving from dating to a relationship means stepping the effort up a notch. For example, guys who are on the "dating" phase would usually do general things guys do: buy her flowers, take her to dinner, and watch a movie together and so on. For those who are aiming for a relationship however, the best thing to do would be to gift her favorite flowers, watch her favorite movie, bring her to a favorite restaurant and so forth. Use the information they provide to set up personal situations so that they would realize how attentive you were when they were talking. The fact that a guy listens would definitely nudge a female into thinking about something that is long-term.
Meet the Friends
Meeting her friends and vice versa is an important step when going from dating to a relationship. This lets the girl know that the guy is already thinking long-term by introducing her to his social group. Ideally, guys should also ask to meet her personal social group, but this should be done casually without pushing her into the decision. Make sure to keep the first meeting casual, perhaps during a dinner or somewhere where the situation is safe and manageable.
Let Her Meet the Family
Now this move is practically a large neon sign advertising going from dating to a relationship. Ideally though, this should be done after several months of dating, preferably over a casual dinner or lunch. Note that allowing her to meet the family is already a big step because this basically means that the male is presenting her as a possible life partner. Keep in mind that the same holds true for the girl so once she decides to initiate the "family meet-up", then she is hoping of going from dating to a relationship.
Make Plans
One good way o nudging her on going from dating to a relationship is by making long-term plans where she is included. It could be a weekend trip or promising to do something for her next birthday. This lets her know that the guy is making plans including her, signaling |something long-term or permanent.
When it comes right down to it however, going from dating to a relationship involves talking with each other. The signs are not usually enough and in some cases, a girl could easily misinterpret this. Hence, guys should be upfront about their intentions and give the girl time to assess the current situation. Only verbal agreement would cement going from dating to a relationship.