How to Avoid Being a Credit Card Junkie
Take the Quiz and Learn How to Avoid Credit Card Debt Are you a credit junkie? Millions of Americans are, including our favorite relative, Uncle Sam. We think of junkies as drug addicts or drug peddlers, but a junkie is any person who derives inordinate pleasure from or who is dependent on something.
The Credit Junkie Quiz
How can you tell if you're a credit junkie? Keep track of how many of the following questions you answer with "yes."
If you answer yes to any of the questions, you may be a credit junkie. If you answer yes to more than three, you have a confirmed diagnosis. For treatment options, continue reading.
Treatment Plan for Credit Junkies
Now that you know the symptoms of being a credit junkie, it's important to be aware of the risk factors that can cause this condition or worsen it.
The first rule for avoiding any disease is to take precautions to reduce your exposure. For credit junkies, this includes:
For more information on controlling credit card debt, visit the links on this page under "Suggested Reading."
The Credit Junkie Quiz
How can you tell if you're a credit junkie? Keep track of how many of the following questions you answer with "yes."
- You have more than two or three credit cards.
- You pay the minimum or less on your credit cards.
- You've reached the credit limit (or are very close) on your credit cards.
- You juggle other bills in order to pay the minimum monthly payments on credit cards.
- You charge items you used to pay for with cash (food, gas, etc.)
- You incur late fees or over-the-limit fees on credit cards.
- You've taken out one or more debt consolidation loans to pay off credit card balances, but then charge to the credit cards again.
- You take out cash advances on your credit card to pay other bills or expenses.
- You use your bank overdraft protection to cover checks you've written that you don't have the money to cover yet.
If you answer yes to any of the questions, you may be a credit junkie. If you answer yes to more than three, you have a confirmed diagnosis. For treatment options, continue reading.
Treatment Plan for Credit Junkies
Now that you know the symptoms of being a credit junkie, it's important to be aware of the risk factors that can cause this condition or worsen it.
The first rule for avoiding any disease is to take precautions to reduce your exposure. For credit junkies, this includes:
- Can the Credit Card Offers - If you were an alcoholic, you wouldn't keep a bottle of Jim Beam on your kitchen counter where you had to look at it every day, would you? If you're a credit card junkie, why subject yourself to the temptation to overindulge by allowing yourself to be inundated with credit card solicitations in the mail?
Credit card companies send out over three billion credit card solicitations each year, but that doesn't mean you have to be one of the recipients. Call 1-888-5-OPTOUT (567-8688) toll free to request that the credit reporting bureaus stop selling your name and address to lenders. This request is good for two years. You'll be asked for personal information, including your name, telephone number, and Social Security number. - Avoid Shopping Malls - For a credit junkie, cruising the malls without a definite plan in mind is like taking a dieter to a giant smorgasbord and telling them not to eat anything. Limit your exposure by planning your shopping trips ahead of time. The fewer trips you make to the mall or other stores, the less impulse buying you'll do.
- Cancel the Catalogs - The more you order from catalogs, the more your name gets sold to other catalog companies and the more catalogs you receive. These visual reminders of all the things you could buy (whether you need them or not) is extremely difficult for a credit junkie to resist. Know where to go to just say no. Opt-out of junk mail to reduce the number of catalogs and other unsolicited mail you receive for the next five years by writing to the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), Mail Preference Service, PO Box 643, Carmel, NY 10512, and asking to be removed from their marketing lists, or register online at . If you continue to receive catalogs, call each catalog company and ask to be removed from their mailing list.
You can also reduce unsolicited commercial emails by registering at Off Email Lists. Your online request will be effective for one year. - Reduce Visits to Online Stores - Like catalogs, online stores stimulate your desire to buy things you don't need and didn't even know you wanted. If you shop online, prepare a list of what you need ahead of time and stick to it.
- Be Aware of Advertising - Our addictions to spending start with the hundreds of advertising messages we're bombarded with each day from multiple media, from television and radio to billboards and email pop-ups. Awareness is the first line of defense.
For more information on controlling credit card debt, visit the links on this page under "Suggested Reading."