How to Remove Cat Dander
- 1). Wash your cat's bedding. Place the bedding in the washer using the hottest water setting the fabric allows. Use a mild laundry detergent. Do not use harsh chemicals when washing the cat's bedding.
- 2). Vacuum the home. Run the vacuum cleaner over carpets and hard floors. Use a hose attachment to vacuum drapes, furniture, upholstery, pillows, mattresses and heating vents. Take the vacuum cleaner outside to remove the bag or empty the canister. Place the contents into a plastic bag, seal the bag, and discard in the outside trash.
- 3). Change the air filters in your home. Do this during the initial cleaning process to remove cat dander and every two months thereafter.
- 4). Wash any machine-washable items such as furniture slipcovers, bed sheets and pillowcases in the washing machine. Use the hottest water setting allowed by the fabric manufacturer.
- 5). Wipe down hard surfaces with a damp cloth--doors, windows, blinds, walls, countertops and any other hard surfaces in the home. Rinse out the rag frequently while washing. Mop floors with a damp mop. After cleaning, wash the rags and mop used for cleaning promptly.
- 6). Steam clean carpets, upholstery and other soft surfaces that cannot be wiped down with a wet rag or mop. If you do not own a steam cleaner, you can rented one for the day at most rental supply stores. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for operating the steam cleaner.
- 7). Install an air purifier in your home. An air purifier will help to clean the air of pet dander.
- 1). Wash your cat. Place the cat in the sink or bathtub (whichever is easiest) and wet the animal down thoroughly with warm water.
- 2). Place a small amount of cat dandruff shampoo into your hand, and work the shampoo into the cat's fur. Refer to the label for specific instructions on how much shampoo to use. Rub the shampoo into the cat's fur and skin using a body brush. Run the brush again the lay of the cat's fur and then with the lay of the fur. Do this several times, making sure to wash every part of the cat's body.
- 3). Rinse the shampoo from the cat with warm water, making sure to get all of the soap off, and dry the cat with a clean towel.
- 4). Brush your cat's hair. Use a pet brush to brush against the lay of the fur and then with it. Do this often to reduce the amount of dander the cat produces.
Removing Cat Dander from the Home
Removing Dander from the Cat