Bach Flower Remedies for a Fat Feline
- The most famous and powerful of the essences is a concoction for emergencies and stress known as "Bach's Rescue Remedy." This treatment for stress and negativity is a blend of 38 flower essences. It is believed to intensify and increase the other flower essence remedies and is appropriate for all healing.
- The Bach flower essences are mainly behavioral and not necessarily physical cures. The easiest way to administer the following remedies is to place a drop on your finger and gently massage the animal's gums with the formulation after it has been diluted with a few drops of water. The remedies can be applied topically behind the animal's ears, on the bare skin of the abdomen, on the upper thigh or underarm area, and on the paw pads.
- Several of the Bach remedies may be appropriate for encouraging weight loss in a cat, mainly by targeting his behavioral habits. The Borage remedy targets depression and grief, lifting the spirits and energizing the soul. It can be combined with chamomile, which discourages the animal from overeating. Chestnut improves behavioral problems, while Cosmos is essential for increasing the level of communication with your cat. Holly is good for stressful conditions, such as dieting, and Mariposa Lily prevents cravings. Lastly, snapdragon will help the cat who is biting, chewing, crunching on things or vocalizing. Walnut heals transition stress.
The Basic Formulation
Applying the Essences
Combinations for Weight Loss