The Honor and the Expense of Hosting the World Equestrian Games
Just when we think that somebody will get filthy rich off of hosting a spectacular, two week, world class competition, we are forced to come to terms with the amount of money, construction, time, and labor is involved with the very preparation, let alone the event itself.
It is true that the 2010 FEI World Equestrian Games would not be possible without thousands of volunteers offering their expertise, time, and precious energy free of charge.
A description of a few of the major renovations and structures that The Kentucky Horse Park is undergoing might help to explain why.
First of all, there are three permanent structures in the works, the first of which is the indoor stadium scheduled which has been completed.
This enormous, enclosed.
6,000 seat building is climate controlled.
Next, there is the outdoor stadium which is slated for completion by March of 2010.
This venue seats 7,500 people and will be the main vantage point for many of the most popular events at the FEI World Equestrian Games in Lexington.
A new vehicle entrance and improvements to the existing parking lots are also in the works, as well as expansions and advances to the meeting points and rest areas throughout the park.
On to the temporary structures that are being added to the impressive space where the games will be hosted in 2010.
There will be the outdoor stadium which will hold up to 30,000 people.
A new driving stadium will also be constructed for the comfort and viewing pleasure of 6,000 visitors.
Temporary seating will be determined after the building of the cross country and endurance courses are completed, and these will offer the best views possible for as large as these courses will be.
Next, there will be temporary facilities built for the hospitality center, along with some adjacent chalets.
The Ariat Volunteer Center will also be a temporary build, as will the grooms village and the media building.
All told, it has become rather easy to see why there need to be 600,000 tickets sold in order for this event to break even for the host.
What's more, the public would never be made aware of the financial toll that is possible with such a feat, because the event is held at the highest of class, respect, and professionalism.
It really is quite spectacular, the way that it all comes together without a hitch.
It is true that the 2010 FEI World Equestrian Games would not be possible without thousands of volunteers offering their expertise, time, and precious energy free of charge.
A description of a few of the major renovations and structures that The Kentucky Horse Park is undergoing might help to explain why.
First of all, there are three permanent structures in the works, the first of which is the indoor stadium scheduled which has been completed.
This enormous, enclosed.
6,000 seat building is climate controlled.
Next, there is the outdoor stadium which is slated for completion by March of 2010.
This venue seats 7,500 people and will be the main vantage point for many of the most popular events at the FEI World Equestrian Games in Lexington.
A new vehicle entrance and improvements to the existing parking lots are also in the works, as well as expansions and advances to the meeting points and rest areas throughout the park.
On to the temporary structures that are being added to the impressive space where the games will be hosted in 2010.
There will be the outdoor stadium which will hold up to 30,000 people.
A new driving stadium will also be constructed for the comfort and viewing pleasure of 6,000 visitors.
Temporary seating will be determined after the building of the cross country and endurance courses are completed, and these will offer the best views possible for as large as these courses will be.
Next, there will be temporary facilities built for the hospitality center, along with some adjacent chalets.
The Ariat Volunteer Center will also be a temporary build, as will the grooms village and the media building.
All told, it has become rather easy to see why there need to be 600,000 tickets sold in order for this event to break even for the host.
What's more, the public would never be made aware of the financial toll that is possible with such a feat, because the event is held at the highest of class, respect, and professionalism.
It really is quite spectacular, the way that it all comes together without a hitch.