Customer Enjoys Being A King At Cheap Flights
People are after cheap flights to meet their ever growing peripatetic obligations. The need ranges from a mere visit to an exclusive business tour which could further stretch itself from a pilgrimage or to watch ones favorite team striking goals in a known ground but in an unknown land. Today all these has been made probable with much effortlessness and the longstanding custom of human to depend on the paramount resources possible, has also made the field fertile for the business to grow and burgeon. Today cheap flights are at the highest stipulations, both by the upper and middle stratum of the society. Once they depend on these cheap flights, it becomes hard or rather unfeasible for them to swerve towards other means, provided it is more contented and is better than the current best. Man has always invented simple machines which further led to complex forms, just to add more comfort and to make his work simpler. The same persuasion has led to several inventions and today we have robots bestowed to do all the household duties. Today 24 hours seems so long that within this span of time man can travel from one end to the other end on the globe. Even knowing the scientific truth, that earth is round, it still wonders me , to board the flight at night, and arrive after 12 hours at US and it will be still night.
Sometimes I use to ask myself whether the cheap flights are really cheap, or is it a mere condition which was already cheap, and out of hard heated competition, has now reached this level with a label of cheap flights. This occurred to me as earlier I use to buy a SIM card for thousand rupees and now the companies are providing the same free of cost. In the same sense can I say the SIM cards have grown cheaper? This is all part of the game, but for everyone to sustain they have to treat their customers as kings. Today need becomes invention and inventions become business products, which was a custom and is now the part of the culture. It was my need which led me to buy the card for thousand rupees. So business and need of the customer go hand in hand. I am not concerned or should not be, until and unless it does not fit to the precincts of my wallet.
We have no right to blame the businessmen as just like any other job; their job is to do the business and is one of the oldest and hereditary jobs, possibly passed on to the generation through hierarchy. We cant say that we havent benefited, as when we opt for cheap flights, we are not ready to negotiate with the comfort. The companies thus strive hard in the field to provide the best comfort zone at the lowest price possible. It is their need and the need led to the invention of the so called customer base. Without a good customer base, the company will find it hard to grow business. Thus at this stage the company has to compromise.
Thus it is a cycle, as it seems the customers and the businessmen are on the either sides of a common balance which though sway from one to another, but at last rests at equilibrium. Thus whenever we opt for cheap flights, for traveling, rather than being a critique, always try to be a part of a good customer base.
Sometimes I use to ask myself whether the cheap flights are really cheap, or is it a mere condition which was already cheap, and out of hard heated competition, has now reached this level with a label of cheap flights. This occurred to me as earlier I use to buy a SIM card for thousand rupees and now the companies are providing the same free of cost. In the same sense can I say the SIM cards have grown cheaper? This is all part of the game, but for everyone to sustain they have to treat their customers as kings. Today need becomes invention and inventions become business products, which was a custom and is now the part of the culture. It was my need which led me to buy the card for thousand rupees. So business and need of the customer go hand in hand. I am not concerned or should not be, until and unless it does not fit to the precincts of my wallet.
We have no right to blame the businessmen as just like any other job; their job is to do the business and is one of the oldest and hereditary jobs, possibly passed on to the generation through hierarchy. We cant say that we havent benefited, as when we opt for cheap flights, we are not ready to negotiate with the comfort. The companies thus strive hard in the field to provide the best comfort zone at the lowest price possible. It is their need and the need led to the invention of the so called customer base. Without a good customer base, the company will find it hard to grow business. Thus at this stage the company has to compromise.
Thus it is a cycle, as it seems the customers and the businessmen are on the either sides of a common balance which though sway from one to another, but at last rests at equilibrium. Thus whenever we opt for cheap flights, for traveling, rather than being a critique, always try to be a part of a good customer base.