You Can Make Money Online – But Not If You Are Making the Same Basic Mistakes That 97% of Internet
Sadly, many of them spend many thousands of dollars desperately trying to find the way. It takes most people interested in internet marketing around 3 to 6 months and around $2,000 or more to become frustrated and cynical.
Despite the huge failure rate, around 3% of people are doing well with online marketing. An even smaller number are making huge amounts of money. So, what do they know that the 97% do not?
Let's take a brief look at five key areas of online marketing where most people fail miserably:
1 - Lack of focus: There are hordes of people who so desperately want to be successful in internet marketing that they simply jump from one method to another and never give themselves enough time to learn or master anything.
2 - Lack of proper research: To be successful in online marketing it is essential to know what niches are profitable and what products are most likely to sell. There is thousands of affiliate programs out there so which one should you choose? You must research this information. Many excellent research tools are free and it's amazing that so few people use them.
3 - Lack of due diligence: There is a never-ending number of so-called €gurus€ peddling all sorts of weird and wonderful plans and dubious software promising all sorts of things. In MOST cases these over-hyped €products€ completely under-deliver and leave people frustrated and angry. You should do your due diligence and look for PROOF of success.
4 - Lack of forward planning: Most intending internet marketers simply have no plan. This is the MAIN reason why €newbie€ Internet marketers fail. They just do not treat their online marketing activities like a real business. Instead, they become involved in all the €get rich quick schemes€ and purchase numerous €push button software programs.€
5 - Lack of basic knowledge in methods and techniques: There are so few real internet marketing courses online that will teach you step-by-step how to do the basics like how to create a blog, how to write articles, how to create products, how to create a sales funnel, how to choose an affiliate program, how to use social media etc etc. So when you find a REAL internet marketing course you should join it and NOT deviate from it. Always look to find other people who are satisfied students and members of any course you intend to join.
So there you have it. These are the five main reasons why so many people try and fail at internet marketing.
Oh, one other thing: Always look to find other people who are satisfied students and members of any course you intend to join. This is ALWAYS a good test and the social proof will be all over the internet. This is called due diligence. So, the point is - INVESTIGATE BEFORE you buy. In that way you PROTECT yourself from scammers. Sadly, these days, there are many of them out there.