How to get along with your X
Getting along with your X can be a battle ground or a piece of heaven. It's really your choice. If you want to know how to get along with your X simply follow a few simple guidelines and not only get along with your X but also live with yourself and be happy!
My idea about getting along with my X started with me being phony as I really didn't want to get along with him I just wanted to pretend. I was hoping that I would look like the "good guy". This of course is a really dumb thing to inflict on yourself as you are hurting one person….yes…it's you. I was fooling myself and I was not helping the communication factor at all.
Getting along with my X was so very important as there is a huge dynamic involved…my daughter. There is also my integrity, honor and sanity. Many reasons to get along with my X.
The most profound and insightful reason was that I refuse to treat anyone like they are stupid. Walk a mile in someone else's shoes. Really and truly put yourself in their life. Of course you can't do this but with some kind of empathy you can in some degree relate or understand.
I have always thought that if anyone was putting me down or criticizing me for any reason that if they could only live in my shoes for one day they would understand. Not wanting sympathy but understanding. I believe this is the key to getting along with your X. Understanding whether or not this is what believe but accepting this is how others may feel or think is the key to getting along with your X and others.
If you can relate, empathize and look outside your world you can actually start to see how and why your X acts the way they do. This is huge as then and only then can you act not react to your X.
Be real and don't hold grudges. You destroy your own soul, heart and life by being shallow and take tour child down with you. Talk about being selfish. See the world from other's views and then you will have an idea that others are still okay even though they don't conform to what you want and expect. You believe in yourself then I suggest start believing in others as you are not the only person in the world that thinks they are right.
Get real and start getting along with your X. Be a better person for it and live a happy stress free life. The biggest bonus is that your child/ren are the real winners…and isn't that what is most important in your life and world???
How to get along with your X is so easy if you just let go of your inhibitions and hurt. Do it for you and most importantly if you have children involved…do it for them!
My idea about getting along with my X started with me being phony as I really didn't want to get along with him I just wanted to pretend. I was hoping that I would look like the "good guy". This of course is a really dumb thing to inflict on yourself as you are hurting one person….yes…it's you. I was fooling myself and I was not helping the communication factor at all.
Getting along with my X was so very important as there is a huge dynamic involved…my daughter. There is also my integrity, honor and sanity. Many reasons to get along with my X.
The most profound and insightful reason was that I refuse to treat anyone like they are stupid. Walk a mile in someone else's shoes. Really and truly put yourself in their life. Of course you can't do this but with some kind of empathy you can in some degree relate or understand.
I have always thought that if anyone was putting me down or criticizing me for any reason that if they could only live in my shoes for one day they would understand. Not wanting sympathy but understanding. I believe this is the key to getting along with your X. Understanding whether or not this is what believe but accepting this is how others may feel or think is the key to getting along with your X and others.
If you can relate, empathize and look outside your world you can actually start to see how and why your X acts the way they do. This is huge as then and only then can you act not react to your X.
Be real and don't hold grudges. You destroy your own soul, heart and life by being shallow and take tour child down with you. Talk about being selfish. See the world from other's views and then you will have an idea that others are still okay even though they don't conform to what you want and expect. You believe in yourself then I suggest start believing in others as you are not the only person in the world that thinks they are right.
Get real and start getting along with your X. Be a better person for it and live a happy stress free life. The biggest bonus is that your child/ren are the real winners…and isn't that what is most important in your life and world???
How to get along with your X is so easy if you just let go of your inhibitions and hurt. Do it for you and most importantly if you have children involved…do it for them!