Heartburn Facts
According to a recent survey, 25% of Americans have heartburn once a month and about 12% experience heartburn indigestion symptoms once a week.
Opinions about how to get rid of heartburn vary, possibly because factors that can trigger heartburn indigestion symptoms vary.
There are several things that are commonly believed to cause heartburn indigestion symptoms and most agree that a plan for how to get rid of heartburn should include attempts to avoid these things.
Once you have heartburn, you will need an antacid or other over the counter remedy to relieve the burning sensation.
But, while it is important to treat the symptoms in order to prevent damage to the esophagus, it is just as important to make efforts to prevent heartburn indigestion symptoms from becoming frequent or chronic.
Most people agree that eating spicy foods can cause heartburn indigestion symptoms.
If you only eat spicy foods occasionally, then an over the counter product should be all that you need.
If you are experiencing heartburn indigestion symptoms several times per week or if you have had heartburn frequently over the past three months, then you should have your symptoms evaluated by a physician.
In order to learn how to get rid of heartburn, it is helpful to keep a food or heartburn diary.
In this way you can see what triggers heartburn indigestion symptoms in your case and what products work best for you.
Chronic heartburn that is not relieved by over the counter acid reducing medications could be a symptom of a more serious medical condition.
If left untreated, chronic heartburn can lead to more serious medical conditions.
Occasional heartburn is not cause for alarm, but if your heartburn indigestion symptoms are becoming more frequent, it is time to see your doctor.
Some people only experience heartburn indigestion symptoms during stressful periods of their lives and healthcare professionals agree that stress can cause heartburn indigestion symptoms.
Relaxation techniques may not only prevent heartburn, but may be effective if you are trying to learn how to get rid of heartburn.
Some people find that sitting quietly for several minutes, focusing on proper breathing and proper posture relieves the burning sensation.
Typical heartburn indigestion symptoms include a burning sensation at the top of the stomach or in the back of the throat.
Some people feel that something is stuck in their throats or that it is hard to swallow.
Heartburn indigestion symptoms may be accompanied by gas or bloating.
Some people have no heartburn symptoms, but still have a type of acid reflux.
Only an ear, nose and throat specialist can make this diagnosis.
Because symptoms vary so much, effective recommendations for how to get rid of heartburn vary.
Recommendations also vary depending on the health care professional's preference for treatment plans.
Some see no problem with taking prescription medications indefinitely, but these were actually designed to be taken only for a few months.
It may be easier to take a pill, but if you want to prevent heartburn indigestion symptoms rather than just learn how to get rid of heartburn indigestion symptoms, then you will probably need to take a look at your diet, eating habits and lifestyle.
For more information about heartburn and other common digestive complaints, visit www.