Tennis Strategies to Slay Your Opponent
Tennis is a fun game but it is tricky too.
A tennis expert will say that there is a variety of shots you can use and a whole lot of tennis strategies to apply! The key is to analyze the situation and act accordingly.
For instance, at times you might want to put up 'neutralizing' tennis strategies and at other times 'offensive' tennis strategies.
Neutralizing tennis strategies are used to nullify or neutralize opponent's advantage.
They are listed below: 1.
Neutralize the pattern: There must be pattern in your opponent's play.
Your opponent must have some strength.
Tennis expert advice: Try and prevent the opponent from making use of it.
For instance your opponent might be good with the forehand rather than backhand.
If you play a backhand move, you will prevent them from using the forehand to their advantage.
Prevent the opponent from reaching a good attacking position: Your opponent could have a good attacking position if the ball is short or is off-center and the opponent gets a good angle of attack.
Do not give him this opportunity.
Offensive tennis strategies are: 1.
Slicing the ball: According to tennis experts, mostly it is used as a defensive shot but can be used as an offensive shot too.
The shot is powerful as the ball stays low.
This makes it hard for your opponent who has to hit a low ball while on the run.
A tennis expert will tell you that the tennis slice is a good tennis strategy to take on the opponent unprepared.
Use opponent's weakness to your advantage: Play to the weakness of your opponent.
For instance if your opponent is not good with the short ball, go with them and break his/her rhythm of the game.
Reduce response time of the opponent: According to tennis expert and coach Tomaz Mencinger, this can be done by hitting a ball hard or playing the ball early.
Make use of the short ball: If your opponent has hit a short ball, you should use it to your advantage, says a tennis expert.
The better you hit the short ball, the weaker will be his/her return.
If you hit it low, your opponent will have difficulty reaching the ball which will probably result in a floater.
You can easily come in on the ball and score a point.
Play at the net: Attack at the net with volleys and overheads.
As a result the points will be short.
The net player should put away the ball quickly.
Doing this consistently is one of the winning offensive tennis strategies.
A tennis expert will say that there is a variety of shots you can use and a whole lot of tennis strategies to apply! The key is to analyze the situation and act accordingly.
For instance, at times you might want to put up 'neutralizing' tennis strategies and at other times 'offensive' tennis strategies.
Neutralizing tennis strategies are used to nullify or neutralize opponent's advantage.
They are listed below: 1.
Neutralize the pattern: There must be pattern in your opponent's play.
Your opponent must have some strength.
Tennis expert advice: Try and prevent the opponent from making use of it.
For instance your opponent might be good with the forehand rather than backhand.
If you play a backhand move, you will prevent them from using the forehand to their advantage.
Prevent the opponent from reaching a good attacking position: Your opponent could have a good attacking position if the ball is short or is off-center and the opponent gets a good angle of attack.
Do not give him this opportunity.
Offensive tennis strategies are: 1.
Slicing the ball: According to tennis experts, mostly it is used as a defensive shot but can be used as an offensive shot too.
The shot is powerful as the ball stays low.
This makes it hard for your opponent who has to hit a low ball while on the run.
A tennis expert will tell you that the tennis slice is a good tennis strategy to take on the opponent unprepared.
Use opponent's weakness to your advantage: Play to the weakness of your opponent.
For instance if your opponent is not good with the short ball, go with them and break his/her rhythm of the game.
Reduce response time of the opponent: According to tennis expert and coach Tomaz Mencinger, this can be done by hitting a ball hard or playing the ball early.
Make use of the short ball: If your opponent has hit a short ball, you should use it to your advantage, says a tennis expert.
The better you hit the short ball, the weaker will be his/her return.
If you hit it low, your opponent will have difficulty reaching the ball which will probably result in a floater.
You can easily come in on the ball and score a point.
Play at the net: Attack at the net with volleys and overheads.
As a result the points will be short.
The net player should put away the ball quickly.
Doing this consistently is one of the winning offensive tennis strategies.