Web Application Development - 5 Different Approaches to Marketing Online
The first example of online marketing is through e-mail. Despite acceptable use policies in place as regarded use of electronic mail for advertising, that avenue grew into what is now called €spam mail€. This promotion through sending unsolicited (unwanted) bulk messages doesn't cost much, but isn't too effective since recipients aren't likely to read mail they didn't ask for.
Now, Internet marketing uses pretty much all possible way to promote companies, besides email. What are these different aspects to internet marketing, and how do they work?
1. Display Advertising. This makes use of text, logos, photos and other graphics to deliver the marketing message on the Web; some ads even include animation. An advertising company will learn how best to reach their target market, using info on their browsing habits and so on. The design for the ads will vary, from banners to frame ads to simple text-based ads with hyperlinks.
Other forms of display advertising include pop-up ads, which display in a different browser window that is usually smaller than, and appears on top of the main one. Floating ads appear superimposed over the site's content and may disappear after some time. Meanwhile, interstitial ads are those that display before the user can access their requested content.
2. Search Engine Marketing. This is designed to increase a website's visibility on the search results pages. Search engines like Google provide sponsored and organic (non-sponsored) results depending on the searcher's question. The former allows advertisers to bid on keywords, thus allowing them to be included in the sponsored results of a search for the same keywords.
Some Internet marketing firms also offer SEO, or search engine optimization services to increase a website's non-sponsored search rankings. This is done through the use of keywords in writing the content, to ensure it remains relevant to the search.
3. Website Design. It isn't a good idea to settle for a mediocre website. A company website needs to be clear about what they offer and, if needed, proof that their products or services work. Generally, a web designing company can help put together a site that contains those, along with a unique layout and easy navigation.
4. Social Media Marketing. The term is self-explanatory. Marketing programs that use social media are typically centered on efforts to create catchy content. They'd also encourage viewers or readers to share such content in their social networks. This spreading of information through third party sources rather than the company results in earned media instead of paid media.
Social networks include Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr, and Twitter. When site users reblog, repost, or retweet comments on the product or company being promoted, more people see it. This eventually results in more Internet traffic for the company, which is good for promotion.
5. Mobile Advertising. The use of smart phones, iPads, BlackBerries, and other mobile devices has sped up development in this aspect of Internet marketing. Use of the mobile platform leads to a more personalized experience for the customer, with information that is tailored to their tastes. Recently, application software has grown as a way for a company to connect with its customers.
Apps are used to be offered purely to retrieve information like email or weather information. Public demand led to expansion into other categories, such as mobile games and GPS services. This also includes companies using apps to give their customers access even when on their phones. Today, web application development firms may include app development on their services.