Medium Punk Hairstyles
- Bleached hair and bright colors are a staple of punk hairdos.punk fashion model image by Randy McKown from
Even though the punk band The Sex Pistols had a great influence on punk-inspired fashion in the mid 1970s, punk music didn't really have a major effect on hairdos until the mid-1980s, introducing hair with dyed locks and asymmetry. Today medium punk hairstyles are for hair that is shoulder length and encompasses a few specific looks. - This hairstyle is for a man or woman with medium length hair that wants a look that is eye catching, but not over the top. By dyeing your hair certain punk colors you not only have a range of choices, but limit how much you processing your hair goes through. For example, you can dye your hair and still let it keep its natural shape---straight, curly or wavy---and still maintain a strongly punk look. For an understated punk look, bleach the hair blonde and let your dark roots grow in approximately an inch from the crown of your head. Also, dyeing your hair any neon color such as pink, orange, green or blue is an easy way to take on a punk style. Dye your entire head a neon color, or just a section of your hair, or combine several looks. For example, bleach your hair blonde and then add a section of neon color like music star Avril Lavigne.
- A Mohawk is perhaps one of the most severe punk hairstyles, and the one most closely associated with the punk genre. The style itself is basic: shave all of your head except for a 3-inch section in the middle that extends from your forehead to the nape of your neck. Spike the middle section of hair straight upwards as high as possible using an extremely strong styling gel or comparable item. At this point, spray your Mohawk any color of the rainbow or just leave as is. This intense style commands respect from all punk music enthusiasts. If it's too daring for you, create a similar version just by spiking the middle 3 inches of your hair upwards, leaving the rest of your hair where it is or pulling it back into a ponytail. The result is a "faux-hawk;" not as extreme, but still very punk. Actress Alyssa Milano has worn such a style.
- For an extreme look not as overstated as a a Mohawk, spray or spike all of your hair in different directions. The hairdo gives you a powerful look, yet does not require you to make such a bold commitment, such as to shaving your hair. This style is easy to create: divide your hair into random 2-inch sections and spray or gel it upward. Create extreme angles or slight ones for a more or less intense look. The finished effect almost makes it look like your hair has blown back from listening to lots of punk music.
Basic Dyes
Mohawks and Faux-Hawks
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