A Powerful Technique For Building a Facebook Network Full of Red-Hot Customers
If you're serious about building a network full of potential customers, then of course you wouldn't want to accept every friend request you get.
Why? Because not everybody is your target market.
But you have very little information to help you decide whether or not to accept this person, based upon what you can see when you're not yet friends.
In most cases all I can see is their picture and a sampling of their friends.
The solution? Send them a message! did you know that you can send a message, without clicking either confirm or ignore on the friend request? You can.
Since 99% of people will ask to be your friend without attaching a message, it's up to you to figure out if you want to accept or not.
In order to maximize this opportunity as a business owner looking to make money with social media, there are a few simple guidelines you want to keep in mind.
Start by talking about the other person.
Share something about yourself - but keep it brief, and keep it relevant.
Always ask a question.
Why should you start by talking about the other person? Because the goal on social media is to be interesting to other people.
Another way of saying this is that you want to build rapport.
Rapport is when people - your potential customers - know you, like you and trust you.
Because when they do, they will buy from you! And you don't have to SELL them anything.
It's the most natural thing in the world to buy something from someone we know, like and trust.
The next thing you want to accomplish in your friend request message is to tell the other person a little bit about you, your products and services.
Because if they don't know who you are and what you offer, they certainly aren't going to buy anything from you - right? But it's critical that what you say about yourself is both brief and relevant.
When I say brief, I mean 30 words.
It's also important that you let the person know the benefit of being friends with you.
No one will really listen to you until they know "what's in it for me.
" It's a weird twist of psychology that when you say, "Here's what I do" people don't get it - even if what you do is exactly what they're looking for! So when you're writing your friend request messages, make sure to take the extra step and say, "Here's how you can benefit from what I do.
" And the third ingredient in a successful friend request message is to ask a question.
Why is that? So they'll answer, of course! The point is to engage in conversation.
And if you don't give a reason for your new friend to talk to you, they probably won't.
So the friend request is some pretty powerful stuff.
Are you starting to see how social media can be a much more effective tool for building your business than you ever thought it could be?
Why? Because not everybody is your target market.
But you have very little information to help you decide whether or not to accept this person, based upon what you can see when you're not yet friends.
In most cases all I can see is their picture and a sampling of their friends.
The solution? Send them a message! did you know that you can send a message, without clicking either confirm or ignore on the friend request? You can.
Since 99% of people will ask to be your friend without attaching a message, it's up to you to figure out if you want to accept or not.
In order to maximize this opportunity as a business owner looking to make money with social media, there are a few simple guidelines you want to keep in mind.
Start by talking about the other person.
Share something about yourself - but keep it brief, and keep it relevant.
Always ask a question.
Why should you start by talking about the other person? Because the goal on social media is to be interesting to other people.
Another way of saying this is that you want to build rapport.
Rapport is when people - your potential customers - know you, like you and trust you.
Because when they do, they will buy from you! And you don't have to SELL them anything.
It's the most natural thing in the world to buy something from someone we know, like and trust.
The next thing you want to accomplish in your friend request message is to tell the other person a little bit about you, your products and services.
Because if they don't know who you are and what you offer, they certainly aren't going to buy anything from you - right? But it's critical that what you say about yourself is both brief and relevant.
When I say brief, I mean 30 words.
It's also important that you let the person know the benefit of being friends with you.
No one will really listen to you until they know "what's in it for me.
" It's a weird twist of psychology that when you say, "Here's what I do" people don't get it - even if what you do is exactly what they're looking for! So when you're writing your friend request messages, make sure to take the extra step and say, "Here's how you can benefit from what I do.
" And the third ingredient in a successful friend request message is to ask a question.
Why is that? So they'll answer, of course! The point is to engage in conversation.
And if you don't give a reason for your new friend to talk to you, they probably won't.
So the friend request is some pretty powerful stuff.
Are you starting to see how social media can be a much more effective tool for building your business than you ever thought it could be?