How To Find People On The Web, And Not Get Caught Up In The Web!
Focus. Focus. Focus.
You have to understand the mechanics of how traffic is really "played with" in order to fully appreciate how to set a very attainable goal online and reach it.
If you want to know how to find people on the web you need to be of the mindset that you will not allow outside distractions from keeping you away from that goal. You must not fall for the Flash banners or the tempting text links or the lovely links on some of the pages that you are headed toward...they will only take you off of your mission.
To find these people, you need to find the 100% dedicated people finding search engines that find people only. In fact, on these engines, you will need even see a single banner ad at all.
This is serious business and these engines treat it as such.
Upon arrival at one of these search engines that find people only, you will need the name of the person you are looking for and the state you think that person might be residing in.
That's it.
No credit cards. No DNA samples. No nonsense.
If you REALLY want to know how to find people on the web then you are going to find yourself staring at websites that look surprisingly sparse. These sites, again, are there to assist you find people, not to have options for you in terms of what it is you really want to do.
How internet refreshing!
A word of caution as you head onto the net to really learn how to find people on the web...and that is this...finding people and seeing their names and addresses and phone numbers can become a very addictive treat.
Very, very addictive!