When Should You Consider a Breast Reduction?
There are a lot of articles and blog posts about Breast Augmentations, Breast Lifts, Implants, etc, but there are not too many informative articles about breast reduction procedures.
Why is this? The obvious answer is that more women want to read about how to get larger breasts than smaller breasts. However, what most don't consider is that a reduction can actually help a women gain physical stamina, and relieve back and neck pain from her body. So, these two procedures are extremely different. One is focused on improving the overall physical appeal of a woman, while the other is focused on helping reduce back and neck pain. of course there is an added benefit of a reduction because after the surgery the breasts will look more youthful.
So, when is the point that you should consider a breast reduction surgery? There can be more than one answer to this question. In fact, there is more than one right answer to this question.
The most logical of these answer is that you should start considering the procedure if you start feeling that your back is hurting from the weight of your breasts. If, by the end of the day you are extremely sore or crouching over because it hurts to stand straight, it might be time to start considering this procedure.
Additionally, this procedure can be coupled with a breast lift procedure to not only ease your back pain, but to increase your lift. Many patients enjoy both of these procedures.
This surgery requires an anesthetic to ensure that you sleep through the entire surgery. The entire goal of this procedure is to reshape the breasts in order to gain a more youthful appearance. Of course, the major benefit of this is that there is no more back pain.
Imagine living a life completely free of this kind of pain!
After the surgery patients will need to wait for roughly 6 weeks before they start doing everything that they were doing before. Patients are told to relax and take things easy during these 6 months. Certain things like working out, or running should be postponed until these 6 weeks are completely up.
There are risks with any surgery that an individual undertakes. With that being said, there are some general risks with breast reduction surgery. Some of these include infection, discomfort, bruising, or loss of ability to breastfeed. Although these cases are extremely rare (and directly depend on your surgeon), it is important to note them and keep them in mind. Some surgeons will try to act like there are absolutely never any risks with the procedures they they provide, but what they are really doing is not telling the full truth. Most people would rather know the entire truth than hear something fake and get surprised later on.
To answer the question that was proposed in the beginning: one should consider breast surgery if they notice that they are having extensive back and neck pain throughout the day because of the weight of their breasts.
Why is this? The obvious answer is that more women want to read about how to get larger breasts than smaller breasts. However, what most don't consider is that a reduction can actually help a women gain physical stamina, and relieve back and neck pain from her body. So, these two procedures are extremely different. One is focused on improving the overall physical appeal of a woman, while the other is focused on helping reduce back and neck pain. of course there is an added benefit of a reduction because after the surgery the breasts will look more youthful.
So, when is the point that you should consider a breast reduction surgery? There can be more than one answer to this question. In fact, there is more than one right answer to this question.
The most logical of these answer is that you should start considering the procedure if you start feeling that your back is hurting from the weight of your breasts. If, by the end of the day you are extremely sore or crouching over because it hurts to stand straight, it might be time to start considering this procedure.
Additionally, this procedure can be coupled with a breast lift procedure to not only ease your back pain, but to increase your lift. Many patients enjoy both of these procedures.
This surgery requires an anesthetic to ensure that you sleep through the entire surgery. The entire goal of this procedure is to reshape the breasts in order to gain a more youthful appearance. Of course, the major benefit of this is that there is no more back pain.
Imagine living a life completely free of this kind of pain!
After the surgery patients will need to wait for roughly 6 weeks before they start doing everything that they were doing before. Patients are told to relax and take things easy during these 6 months. Certain things like working out, or running should be postponed until these 6 weeks are completely up.
There are risks with any surgery that an individual undertakes. With that being said, there are some general risks with breast reduction surgery. Some of these include infection, discomfort, bruising, or loss of ability to breastfeed. Although these cases are extremely rare (and directly depend on your surgeon), it is important to note them and keep them in mind. Some surgeons will try to act like there are absolutely never any risks with the procedures they they provide, but what they are really doing is not telling the full truth. Most people would rather know the entire truth than hear something fake and get surprised later on.
To answer the question that was proposed in the beginning: one should consider breast surgery if they notice that they are having extensive back and neck pain throughout the day because of the weight of their breasts.