Full-Body Work Outs For Fitness and Fat Loss
Often times, people think think that in order to build a strong, muscular body that they will need to spend hours and hours in the gym.
They seem to think that the only way it can be possible for someone to build a lot of muscle is to spend every spare moment working out.
But the truth is, they couldn't be more wrong.
While you will need to work hard and put in some serious effort, that does not mean you will have to live in the gym.
One way to achieve this balance is by utilizing full-body workouts.
A full-body work out can save you a lot of time and are very convenient.
They are also a good option to try if you need to change up your work out plan to keep from getting stale and hitting a plateau.
To get the best results from your full body workout and stimulate muscle growth, you will need to use heavy weights.
You also need to ensure that you allow for plenty of time for recovery in between your workouts so your muscles will have time to repair themselves and grow.
This will help to prevent over training too which can lead to burnout or injury.
Like I mentioned before, a full-body work out can save a lot of time.
But this isn't just true for the time you spend in the gym, it will also help to reduce the frequency that you need to go to the gym.
On a full body workout you should strive to go to the gym two or three times per week.
Speaking of the time you spend in the gym - even though you are training your whole body you still do not need to spend two hours in the gym.
Your whole workout can be completed in about an hour, which comes out to around two or three hours per week working out.
you can achieve this by focusing on the quality of your workouts and exercises, and not the quantity of them.
More is not always better.
Another benefit to a full body workout is that it will help to increase your cardio capacity.
Since you should be doing 2-4 sets per body part, this work out will have you hustling through it to complete it which will really get your heart pumping and have you breathing heavy.
Now that you have a general idea of what to expect from your full-body workout, here are four tips you should follow: 1) As mentioned earlier, you will train no more than two or three days per week.
If you really want to get some added benefits, or if you are looking to increase your fat loss, you can add in some aerobic or cardio workouts on your off days.
Since you will have plenty of them, picking a couple for aerobics should be easy.
2) Perform one exercise per body part or muscle group.
Make sure you stick to the basic compound movements like bench press, bent-over barbell rows, pull ups, squats, etc.
These types of exercises will ensure you do not need additional isolation exercises.
3) Make sure you use heavy weights, heavy enough that you can only to 6-8 reps.
Since you don't need to worry about multiple exercises per body part, you can concentrate on lifting heavy which will help to stimulate muscle growth better than lighter weights.
4) Remember that full body work outs should be kept short.
A benefit of this is your increased cardio capacity as well as increased testosterone levels.
Your testosterone levels start to decrease the longer you work out and you want to make sure they stay elevated for the longest period of time.
Hopefully this information will help you determine if full-body workouts can help you in achieving your fitness goals.
They seem to think that the only way it can be possible for someone to build a lot of muscle is to spend every spare moment working out.
But the truth is, they couldn't be more wrong.
While you will need to work hard and put in some serious effort, that does not mean you will have to live in the gym.
One way to achieve this balance is by utilizing full-body workouts.
A full-body work out can save you a lot of time and are very convenient.
They are also a good option to try if you need to change up your work out plan to keep from getting stale and hitting a plateau.
To get the best results from your full body workout and stimulate muscle growth, you will need to use heavy weights.
You also need to ensure that you allow for plenty of time for recovery in between your workouts so your muscles will have time to repair themselves and grow.
This will help to prevent over training too which can lead to burnout or injury.
Like I mentioned before, a full-body work out can save a lot of time.
But this isn't just true for the time you spend in the gym, it will also help to reduce the frequency that you need to go to the gym.
On a full body workout you should strive to go to the gym two or three times per week.
Speaking of the time you spend in the gym - even though you are training your whole body you still do not need to spend two hours in the gym.
Your whole workout can be completed in about an hour, which comes out to around two or three hours per week working out.
you can achieve this by focusing on the quality of your workouts and exercises, and not the quantity of them.
More is not always better.
Another benefit to a full body workout is that it will help to increase your cardio capacity.
Since you should be doing 2-4 sets per body part, this work out will have you hustling through it to complete it which will really get your heart pumping and have you breathing heavy.
Now that you have a general idea of what to expect from your full-body workout, here are four tips you should follow: 1) As mentioned earlier, you will train no more than two or three days per week.
If you really want to get some added benefits, or if you are looking to increase your fat loss, you can add in some aerobic or cardio workouts on your off days.
Since you will have plenty of them, picking a couple for aerobics should be easy.
2) Perform one exercise per body part or muscle group.
Make sure you stick to the basic compound movements like bench press, bent-over barbell rows, pull ups, squats, etc.
These types of exercises will ensure you do not need additional isolation exercises.
3) Make sure you use heavy weights, heavy enough that you can only to 6-8 reps.
Since you don't need to worry about multiple exercises per body part, you can concentrate on lifting heavy which will help to stimulate muscle growth better than lighter weights.
4) Remember that full body work outs should be kept short.
A benefit of this is your increased cardio capacity as well as increased testosterone levels.
Your testosterone levels start to decrease the longer you work out and you want to make sure they stay elevated for the longest period of time.
Hopefully this information will help you determine if full-body workouts can help you in achieving your fitness goals.