Get Out of Debt Begin Your Financial Recovery
In America, there has always been somewhat of a stigma attached to having suffered financial setbacks such as foreclosure or bankruptcy.
We have a lingering heritage from thrifty ancestors who thought that buying on credit was almost a sin.
And financial problems you suffered as a result were the result of some sort of moral weakness.
But since the 1960's we have lived in different times.
The economy is credit driven.
Everyone borrows money-including every single municipal and state government and particularly the Federal government.
If you want to point fingers at financial mismanagement, a good place to start is with those institutions and the officials in charge of them.
Also, financial institutions have used very sophisticated marketing techniques to reach nearly every possible consumer with credit card offers, pushing more and more people to the brink of being unable to make their payments.
So unwise credit management caused your own personal finances to crash in the last few years, it's time you forgave yourself.
You could not possibly have foreseen the unprecedented combination of bad circumstances that caused the national economy to crater as well.
The "experts" certainly didn't.
They were totally clueless as to what was coming.
None of this was your fault.
One way to jump start your recovery is to forgive everyone who contributed to your financial suffering.
Was it that bank that was offering those tempting, even irresistible deals on adjustable rate mortgages? The mortgage broker who presented you with all those strange and wonderful new types of financing that were available, a lot of which seemed like it was written in a foreign language.
Or how about the realtor who told you not to worry about the price of the home being a stretch for your finances, because after all, prices would keep going up and you could just sell the house for a fat profit in two years anyway.
Whoever it was, let it go.
Forgive them and-most importantly--forget them.
If you were victimized by particularly sleazy individuals, karma will find an appropriate and timely way of paying them back for what they have done.