7 Tips To Help You Quit Smoking
Kicking the smoking habit isn't an easy thing to do.
It often requires a great deal of will power and determination to stick to your goal of finally quitting this health damaging habit.
However, help is at hand.
In this article you will find several effective tips for helping you to quit the smoking habit for good.
When you finish reading this article, you will have learned several easy-to-follow tips for finding the will power to give up smoking cold turkey.
Let's get started.
Stop carrying your cigarettes around with you.
If you stop carrying them, you'll break the habit of lightning up whenever you feel like it.
You won't be able to light up whenever you have a few minutes to spare.
Make a list of reasons why you want to quit smoking.
This list will help to motivate you when you're feeling the withdrawal symptoms associated with smoking cessation.
You can also use this list to boost your will power.
Whenever you feel the urge to light up a cigarette, simply take out your list and read over the reasons why you have decided to quit smoking.
Tell people you have quit smoking.
By telling your friends and family that you've given up, you'll make it much harder to go back on your decision.
If you do start smoking again, you'll have to explain your lack of will power to your friends and family - which is rarely an exciting prospect.
Also, these people can help to support you when you're finding it difficult to resist the temptation of lighting up another cigarette, and help you to stay motivated by reminding you why you have made this decision.
Pick a date to go cold turkey and stick to it.
Although it may seem easier to gradually reduce the amount of cigarettes you smoke, statistics have shown that you're more likely to quit smoking for good if you used the cold turkey method rather than the gradual reduction method.
Save the money you would have spent on cigarettes to buy a treat for yourself.
Having something to look forward to is a great way to help you stay motivated during your withdrawal symptoms you're likely to experience at some point.
If you save the money over a few months - or even a year - you can easily treat yourself to a vacation or a luxury purchase you wouldn't normally have been able to afford.
Use stop smoking aids to help ease withdrawal symptoms.
There's many different aids designed to help you through the difficult times.
Aids such as nicotine patches and nicotine gum as well as self help books and hypnosis have all proven to be successful for many different people.
It's worth trying these things to see if it makes quitting easier for you.
Just because you've gone cold turkey doesn't mean you can't look for additional help.
Particularly in the difficult times where you're more likely to give into the temptation of smoking another cigarette.
Change your routines and habits.
Many smokers build up habits over the years where they smoke at particular times, such as on a lunch break or after a meal.
It is during these times when you are more likely to be tempted by a cigarette.
It's a good idea to find something else do during these times to distract yourself from your cravings.
For example: If you smoke after eating a meal, trying brushing your teeth instead.
If you smoke on your lunch break, try going to a restaurant for a meal (and sit in the non-smoking section).
Although quitting the smoking habit for good isn't an easy prospect, by following these 7 tips you will make the experience easier on yourself - especially during the first few weeks when you are most likely to suffer from withdrawal symptoms.
It often requires a great deal of will power and determination to stick to your goal of finally quitting this health damaging habit.
However, help is at hand.
In this article you will find several effective tips for helping you to quit the smoking habit for good.
When you finish reading this article, you will have learned several easy-to-follow tips for finding the will power to give up smoking cold turkey.
Let's get started.
Stop carrying your cigarettes around with you.
If you stop carrying them, you'll break the habit of lightning up whenever you feel like it.
You won't be able to light up whenever you have a few minutes to spare.
Make a list of reasons why you want to quit smoking.
This list will help to motivate you when you're feeling the withdrawal symptoms associated with smoking cessation.
You can also use this list to boost your will power.
Whenever you feel the urge to light up a cigarette, simply take out your list and read over the reasons why you have decided to quit smoking.
Tell people you have quit smoking.
By telling your friends and family that you've given up, you'll make it much harder to go back on your decision.
If you do start smoking again, you'll have to explain your lack of will power to your friends and family - which is rarely an exciting prospect.
Also, these people can help to support you when you're finding it difficult to resist the temptation of lighting up another cigarette, and help you to stay motivated by reminding you why you have made this decision.
Pick a date to go cold turkey and stick to it.
Although it may seem easier to gradually reduce the amount of cigarettes you smoke, statistics have shown that you're more likely to quit smoking for good if you used the cold turkey method rather than the gradual reduction method.
Save the money you would have spent on cigarettes to buy a treat for yourself.
Having something to look forward to is a great way to help you stay motivated during your withdrawal symptoms you're likely to experience at some point.
If you save the money over a few months - or even a year - you can easily treat yourself to a vacation or a luxury purchase you wouldn't normally have been able to afford.
Use stop smoking aids to help ease withdrawal symptoms.
There's many different aids designed to help you through the difficult times.
Aids such as nicotine patches and nicotine gum as well as self help books and hypnosis have all proven to be successful for many different people.
It's worth trying these things to see if it makes quitting easier for you.
Just because you've gone cold turkey doesn't mean you can't look for additional help.
Particularly in the difficult times where you're more likely to give into the temptation of smoking another cigarette.
Change your routines and habits.
Many smokers build up habits over the years where they smoke at particular times, such as on a lunch break or after a meal.
It is during these times when you are more likely to be tempted by a cigarette.
It's a good idea to find something else do during these times to distract yourself from your cravings.
For example: If you smoke after eating a meal, trying brushing your teeth instead.
If you smoke on your lunch break, try going to a restaurant for a meal (and sit in the non-smoking section).
Although quitting the smoking habit for good isn't an easy prospect, by following these 7 tips you will make the experience easier on yourself - especially during the first few weeks when you are most likely to suffer from withdrawal symptoms.