Create a Custom Twitter Background in 10 Minutes
As a Social Media Virtual Assistant, many of my clients have come to me looking to have a custom background created for their Twitter profile.
They fully understand the benefit if having their brand on their Twitter profile.
You can create very unique and branded backgrounds, then when a visitor checks out your Twitter profile they will see what you and your business are about.
A Twitter background is simply an image - nothing in it is clickable but it can tell a story.
The story of your business - what your specialty is, how you benefit clients with your products or services and it can include your profile picture and company logo and be created to match your website.
It makes for a well rounded online presence.
However for some people the fee to have a Twitter background created is not in the cards.
For those looking to save money and not requiring as custom a background as you would get with one designed for you - Twitbacks is a fast and easy system to use - plus it is free.
Twitbacks is an online program that has you enter info such as your name, business name and info and then upload your profile and logo pictures.
You enter in your bio info and their program pulls all this info into an image file and creates a Twitter background image from all the info you input.
If you are looking for a low cost solution - this will work just fine.
They fully understand the benefit if having their brand on their Twitter profile.
You can create very unique and branded backgrounds, then when a visitor checks out your Twitter profile they will see what you and your business are about.
A Twitter background is simply an image - nothing in it is clickable but it can tell a story.
The story of your business - what your specialty is, how you benefit clients with your products or services and it can include your profile picture and company logo and be created to match your website.
It makes for a well rounded online presence.
However for some people the fee to have a Twitter background created is not in the cards.
For those looking to save money and not requiring as custom a background as you would get with one designed for you - Twitbacks is a fast and easy system to use - plus it is free.
Twitbacks is an online program that has you enter info such as your name, business name and info and then upload your profile and logo pictures.
You enter in your bio info and their program pulls all this info into an image file and creates a Twitter background image from all the info you input.
- Tip 1 - Sometimes uploading your image directly does not work.
You may have to save the image to your desktop and then go to Twitter, Settings, Design and Background.
Then upload the image there yourself. - Tip 2 - While in the Design settings change your design colours to match your website or the new Twitter background.
You will need to know the colour code (I use a free program called Pixie from Natty ware to match colours) to enter exactly or make it match as much as possible.
It is a nice added touch.
If you are looking for a low cost solution - this will work just fine.