Is It Really Possible To Get Back Together With Your Ex
If you really want to get back together with your ex, you will have to start the process by taking a serious look inside yourself. You must ask yourself a very serious question. "Will getting back together with my ex really make me happy?" You must search your soul and find the honest answer to this question. If you are really serious, there is a good chance it can be done.
Wanting your ex back may easily bring up thoughts of the good times you had, but you must also remember the bad times as well. Would it be worth it to get back together and go through the bad times again if your ex was unwilling to change? You must take an objective view of the relationship of the past as well the relationship of the future.
Saving most, but not all relationships, can be worth the effort. If the past relationship consisted mostly of good times and happy feelings, then you should consider saving the relationship and get your ex back. On the other hand, if the relationship consisted mostly of fighting, arguing, verbal or physical abuse, then it might be best to move on and not try to get back together. Be honest and realistic with yourself when considering your options.
If you do make the decision to get back together with your ex, do not stalk them. Constantly calling, texting, emailing or checking up on your ex will not work. If you have done this in the past, quit now. No one likes to have to look over their shoulder at every move especially when an ex is involved. Too much contact can actually drive your ex farther away.
Do not sit around thinking about your ex and the break up. Clamming up and blaming yourself for destroying the relationship will only push you deeper into depression and make it more unlikely that it can be healed.
No one is perfect, so mistakes were probably made by both sides. It takes two to tango and two wrongs do not make a right. It is best not to lay blame on yourself or your ex, so take the step to stop blaming and start doing your part right, no matter what. No more begging, pleading or acting desperate. Stay strong.
The past is the past, so concentrate on what is now and what could be in the future. It is easy to wish that you had done things differently, but you cannot so move forward with the relationship. Do not mislead your ex with promises you cannot keep. This will only make your ex distrust you. Be honest and tell your ex what you are willing to do and what you really want from the relationship.
Give your ex some time to evaluate the situation. Do not pressure your ex to make a decision to get back together too quickly after the break up. Your ex may see you as being too needy or clingy. Most partners like a strong and somewhat independent partner and not someone who smothers them.
Wanting your ex back may easily bring up thoughts of the good times you had, but you must also remember the bad times as well. Would it be worth it to get back together and go through the bad times again if your ex was unwilling to change? You must take an objective view of the relationship of the past as well the relationship of the future.
Saving most, but not all relationships, can be worth the effort. If the past relationship consisted mostly of good times and happy feelings, then you should consider saving the relationship and get your ex back. On the other hand, if the relationship consisted mostly of fighting, arguing, verbal or physical abuse, then it might be best to move on and not try to get back together. Be honest and realistic with yourself when considering your options.
If you do make the decision to get back together with your ex, do not stalk them. Constantly calling, texting, emailing or checking up on your ex will not work. If you have done this in the past, quit now. No one likes to have to look over their shoulder at every move especially when an ex is involved. Too much contact can actually drive your ex farther away.
Do not sit around thinking about your ex and the break up. Clamming up and blaming yourself for destroying the relationship will only push you deeper into depression and make it more unlikely that it can be healed.
No one is perfect, so mistakes were probably made by both sides. It takes two to tango and two wrongs do not make a right. It is best not to lay blame on yourself or your ex, so take the step to stop blaming and start doing your part right, no matter what. No more begging, pleading or acting desperate. Stay strong.
The past is the past, so concentrate on what is now and what could be in the future. It is easy to wish that you had done things differently, but you cannot so move forward with the relationship. Do not mislead your ex with promises you cannot keep. This will only make your ex distrust you. Be honest and tell your ex what you are willing to do and what you really want from the relationship.
Give your ex some time to evaluate the situation. Do not pressure your ex to make a decision to get back together too quickly after the break up. Your ex may see you as being too needy or clingy. Most partners like a strong and somewhat independent partner and not someone who smothers them.