Want to Control Your Blood Glucose? Exercise! It"s Easy!
For most people with high blood glucose levels, controlling your intake of food isn't enough to control your blood glucose.
Combine proper eating with exercise and the chances of keeping your blood sugar in check increase significantly.
Even a small amount of exercise can go a long way.
For those who are reluctant to exercise they commonly have two excuses.
First up...
"I can't exercise, it's too hard".
You don't need P90x here.
A 30 minute brisk walk a day should be sufficient.
Then again, the the more exercise you perform the better chance of real results goes up tremendously.
90 minutes of walking is better than 60 minutes of walking.
60 minutes of walking is better than 30 minutes of walking.
30 minutes of walking is better than sitting on your butt for any length of time! Walking at a brisk pace will elevate your heart rate just enough to get your body working on that blood glucose levels by burning up the glucose.
Please know that I'm not a doctor.
If you're worried about exercise because of a heart condition or other medical condition, give your physician a call and clear your plan with them first.
Don't let this become an excuse though.
I can hear some of you know "I can't exercise until I talk to my doc!" Hogwash! Get off your butt, give the doc a call and get walking! The second, and my favorite excuse is "I don't have time to exercise".
I'm sorry but that excuse is just not true.
You have plenty of time available to you.
Everyone has the same amount of time during the day.
You just have misguided priorities! I bet if you tried real hard you could find 30 minutes a day.
Do you really need to watch that re-run of Seinfeld? I know you've seen it at least three times now.
Think you can handle waking up a little earlier? 30 minutes earlier isn't going to kill you! Nothing is better than getting up in the morning and taking a nice walk to get your day started! How about that lunch break? Do you really need an hour to eat lunch? It takes me 15 minutes to eat lunch.
The other 45 minutes can be spent exercising.
Believe me; if it's a priority, the time suddenly becomes available.
One more thing to keep in mind; having an exercise partner (a reliable one) will help tremendously with your motivation to keep exercising.
You can make excuses to yourself; it's hard to make excuses to an exercise partner.
If you feel up to the challenge you should really do something to strengthen your muscles as well.
Larger muscle groups take in more glucose during exercise which provides another way to keep in under control.
You'll be pleasantly surprised about how much stamina you gain and how much your blood glucose will decrease.
Some easy exercises that will work major groups of muscles are squats (with or without weights), pull ups and push-ups.
Please get someone to show you how to do squats properly before using weights.
Body weight only exercises like those mentioned can really be performed anywhere and that's why I recommend them here.
Google "One Hundred Pushups" and "Two Hundred Squats" for more information on body weight only exercises.
Pretty much anyone can do these exercises at home, in the office or in the middle of the street.
Although I don't recommend that last one.
So what your excuse now? Unless you don't have all four extremities you should be able to find the time to exercise and keep your blood glucose in check! Although, I've seen one legged people in the gym...
Combine proper eating with exercise and the chances of keeping your blood sugar in check increase significantly.
Even a small amount of exercise can go a long way.
For those who are reluctant to exercise they commonly have two excuses.
First up...
"I can't exercise, it's too hard".
You don't need P90x here.
A 30 minute brisk walk a day should be sufficient.
Then again, the the more exercise you perform the better chance of real results goes up tremendously.
90 minutes of walking is better than 60 minutes of walking.
60 minutes of walking is better than 30 minutes of walking.
30 minutes of walking is better than sitting on your butt for any length of time! Walking at a brisk pace will elevate your heart rate just enough to get your body working on that blood glucose levels by burning up the glucose.
Please know that I'm not a doctor.
If you're worried about exercise because of a heart condition or other medical condition, give your physician a call and clear your plan with them first.
Don't let this become an excuse though.
I can hear some of you know "I can't exercise until I talk to my doc!" Hogwash! Get off your butt, give the doc a call and get walking! The second, and my favorite excuse is "I don't have time to exercise".
I'm sorry but that excuse is just not true.
You have plenty of time available to you.
Everyone has the same amount of time during the day.
You just have misguided priorities! I bet if you tried real hard you could find 30 minutes a day.
Do you really need to watch that re-run of Seinfeld? I know you've seen it at least three times now.
Think you can handle waking up a little earlier? 30 minutes earlier isn't going to kill you! Nothing is better than getting up in the morning and taking a nice walk to get your day started! How about that lunch break? Do you really need an hour to eat lunch? It takes me 15 minutes to eat lunch.
The other 45 minutes can be spent exercising.
Believe me; if it's a priority, the time suddenly becomes available.
One more thing to keep in mind; having an exercise partner (a reliable one) will help tremendously with your motivation to keep exercising.
You can make excuses to yourself; it's hard to make excuses to an exercise partner.
If you feel up to the challenge you should really do something to strengthen your muscles as well.
Larger muscle groups take in more glucose during exercise which provides another way to keep in under control.
You'll be pleasantly surprised about how much stamina you gain and how much your blood glucose will decrease.
Some easy exercises that will work major groups of muscles are squats (with or without weights), pull ups and push-ups.
Please get someone to show you how to do squats properly before using weights.
Body weight only exercises like those mentioned can really be performed anywhere and that's why I recommend them here.
Google "One Hundred Pushups" and "Two Hundred Squats" for more information on body weight only exercises.
Pretty much anyone can do these exercises at home, in the office or in the middle of the street.
Although I don't recommend that last one.
So what your excuse now? Unless you don't have all four extremities you should be able to find the time to exercise and keep your blood glucose in check! Although, I've seen one legged people in the gym...