Modern Convenient Disposable Nappies Or Old-Fashioned Cloth Nappies
Where do we stand on environmental green issues and economical, money-saving agendas when it comes to choosing between modern disposable nappies for convenience or the reusable old-fashioned cloth option for our baby? Let's consider the arguments for and against both types.
Modern Disposable Nappies Advantages Slim, easy to carry around and dispose of.
Most public places have baby changing areas.
No messing around with safety pins and messy waste.
Modern nappies keep baby drier for longer.
Savings are made on water and electric bills, as disposable nappies don't add to the laundry load.
Disadvantages 750 tonnes of disposable nappies end up in landfill sites.
Disposable nappies take up to 200-500 years to decompose 4% of household rubbish consists of used nappies.
This excessive nappy waste is unhygienic and smelly, especially in areas where the council will only collect rubbish fortnightly.
Disposable nappies are expensive to buy, look out for offers and discounts.
New born babies grow quickly, so beware when buying in bulk.
Money won't be saved if the nappies are too small to fit baby.
Old-Fashioned Cloth Nappies Advantages Cloth nappies don't add to environmental waste and the landfill problem.
They can be washed and reused again, and again.
Easy on the purse strings.
You can make savings of up to £500 per child by the time they are ready for potty training.
Money need not be spent on new nappies for a second baby.
Disadvantages Cloth nappies are bulky and not easy to carry around.
There is the problem of where to put dirty cloth nappies on a day out.
To help reduce the effects of global warming and to save money, cloth nappies do seem to be the answer.
But for convenience and time saving, disposable convenient nappies seem the way to go.
Let us consider a few more facts.
The Environmental Agency states that the negative impact on the environment caused by modern convenient nappies, which contribute toward global warming, is matched by the cost and the amount of electricity and water it takes to wash and dry old-fashioned style cloth nappies.
Here are a couple of green suggestions that may be considered to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save money as well.
Whilst working parents may have little spare time available during the week, modern disposable nappies are a convenience.
However, consider using old-fashioned cloth nappies at weekends.
Advantages During the week water and electricity bills are reduced as disposable nappies are being used.
Greenhouse emissions are reduced.
Money is saved at the weekend by not buying disposable nappies.
The average baby gets through 5,000 plus nappy changes before being toilet trained.
By adopting these two strategies, the best of both worlds is achieved by saving money and reducing personal carbon footprints.
The effects of global warming on the environment are reduced as greenhouse emissions have been lowered.
All individual contributions, no matter how small, can greatly increase the chance of a better future for our children.
Where better to start than in the nursery?
Modern Disposable Nappies Advantages Slim, easy to carry around and dispose of.
Most public places have baby changing areas.
No messing around with safety pins and messy waste.
Modern nappies keep baby drier for longer.
Savings are made on water and electric bills, as disposable nappies don't add to the laundry load.
Disadvantages 750 tonnes of disposable nappies end up in landfill sites.
Disposable nappies take up to 200-500 years to decompose 4% of household rubbish consists of used nappies.
This excessive nappy waste is unhygienic and smelly, especially in areas where the council will only collect rubbish fortnightly.
Disposable nappies are expensive to buy, look out for offers and discounts.
New born babies grow quickly, so beware when buying in bulk.
Money won't be saved if the nappies are too small to fit baby.
Old-Fashioned Cloth Nappies Advantages Cloth nappies don't add to environmental waste and the landfill problem.
They can be washed and reused again, and again.
Easy on the purse strings.
You can make savings of up to £500 per child by the time they are ready for potty training.
Money need not be spent on new nappies for a second baby.
Disadvantages Cloth nappies are bulky and not easy to carry around.
There is the problem of where to put dirty cloth nappies on a day out.
To help reduce the effects of global warming and to save money, cloth nappies do seem to be the answer.
But for convenience and time saving, disposable convenient nappies seem the way to go.
Let us consider a few more facts.
The Environmental Agency states that the negative impact on the environment caused by modern convenient nappies, which contribute toward global warming, is matched by the cost and the amount of electricity and water it takes to wash and dry old-fashioned style cloth nappies.
Here are a couple of green suggestions that may be considered to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save money as well.
Whilst working parents may have little spare time available during the week, modern disposable nappies are a convenience.
However, consider using old-fashioned cloth nappies at weekends.
Advantages During the week water and electricity bills are reduced as disposable nappies are being used.
Greenhouse emissions are reduced.
Money is saved at the weekend by not buying disposable nappies.
The average baby gets through 5,000 plus nappy changes before being toilet trained.
By adopting these two strategies, the best of both worlds is achieved by saving money and reducing personal carbon footprints.
The effects of global warming on the environment are reduced as greenhouse emissions have been lowered.
All individual contributions, no matter how small, can greatly increase the chance of a better future for our children.
Where better to start than in the nursery?