Deposit Slip Instructions
- 1). Find your checkbook. In the back of the checkbook you will find 10 or more deposit tickets. The deposit tickets are easily distinguished from checks because normally they are plain white and have nowhere for you to write a payee's name on them. Rip one deposit ticket out of your checkbook. Savings account booklets also contain deposit slips and as with checkbooks, the deposit slips are normally found at the bank of the deposit booklet. If you do not have any deposit tickets, you can use a generic one at the bank.
- 2). If you use a generic slip, you must write your name and account number on it. To find your account number, look at one of your checks. Account numbers are normally between 10 and 13 digits long and are listed on the bottom of a check between the routing number and check number. Each bank has a routing number which effectively serves as a master account number for the entire bank. Other banks use routing numbers when sending bundles of checks to particular banks.
On the deposit slip, write the amount of cash you have to deposit in the cash column. If you are depositing checks, turn the ticket over and list the individual amounts of checks on the back of the slip. Write the total amount of checks listed on the back of the slip on the front in the section titled "Checks." Add up the total amount of checks and cash and write the total under "Subtotal." If you want to receive some cash back, list the amount in the "Less Cash Received" box. Deduct the amount of cash back from the subtotal and write the difference in the "Total" box at the bottom of the ticket. - 3). Give your deposit ticket together with your cash and checks to the teller. If you want to receive cash back, sign and date the deposit ticket in front of the teller. Hand the teller your ID. Ensure that the receipt shows the correct amount of your deposit and verify cash back before leaving the bank.