Choosing an RC Gas Helicopter
One of the most rewarding RC controlled aircraft to own and fly is an RC gas helicopter.
To master these delightful models requires skill, patience and an understanding of aerodynamics, hence making them very appealing to model aviator pilots.
Just to maintain the craft in a hover takes considerable skill even with a properly trimmed models.
There are several things you should be aware of before rushing out and buying the first chopper that catches your eye.
What is your radio controlled model experience? If this will be your first venture into RC modelling, you may need to do some thorough research into what constitutes an entry level model by scouring the model shops, forums, etc.
If however you have had experience, however small, you will be aware of some of the hardware items, items such as:- Radio transmitter.
This is the unit that you hold and which you operate the controls.
This unit normally comes with a rechargeable battery, but check that it does - dry cells wear out fast and it will be cheaper in the long term to use a rechargeable unit.
Radio receiver.
This unit stays in the model and receives control signals from the transmitter, it is powered by batteries and these again can be either a rechargeable unit or dry cells.
I recommend using a rechargeable battery.
These items can vary in size and price but all do a similar function, that is to operate the controls of the model.
All RC models will use all of the above not just an RC Gas Helicopter, so it would be taking time to read a little on these 3 items.
Where do you intend to fly your model helicopter? Model Flying Club.
This is the best place to fly.
Privately owned field or area? This is the second preference.
Your own house/back yard? Not recommended.
Model Flying Club.
If you are close to a club, (a Google search will show the locality of these) then this is by far the best option, as it will put you in contact with other members whom will give you free advice, and maybe even help you during your first tentative steps, and help you avoid costly mistakes.
Privately owned field or area This will be a relatively safe place to learn, but you will have to figure out most things for yourself.
Your own house/back yard.
Not recommended due to the safety aspect of flying you chopper in close proximity to many physical hazards, not to mention the strain it may place on your relationship with your neighbours, as you create lots of high decibel noise.
What is your Budget? Whilst a full scale model will look awesome both on the ground and in the air, it will certainly cost considerably more than a beginner model, due to the quality, amount, and type of hardware that is used to construct it.
To master these delightful models requires skill, patience and an understanding of aerodynamics, hence making them very appealing to model aviator pilots.
Just to maintain the craft in a hover takes considerable skill even with a properly trimmed models.
There are several things you should be aware of before rushing out and buying the first chopper that catches your eye.
What is your radio controlled model experience? If this will be your first venture into RC modelling, you may need to do some thorough research into what constitutes an entry level model by scouring the model shops, forums, etc.
If however you have had experience, however small, you will be aware of some of the hardware items, items such as:- Radio transmitter.
This is the unit that you hold and which you operate the controls.
This unit normally comes with a rechargeable battery, but check that it does - dry cells wear out fast and it will be cheaper in the long term to use a rechargeable unit.
Radio receiver.
This unit stays in the model and receives control signals from the transmitter, it is powered by batteries and these again can be either a rechargeable unit or dry cells.
I recommend using a rechargeable battery.
These items can vary in size and price but all do a similar function, that is to operate the controls of the model.
All RC models will use all of the above not just an RC Gas Helicopter, so it would be taking time to read a little on these 3 items.
Where do you intend to fly your model helicopter? Model Flying Club.
This is the best place to fly.
Privately owned field or area? This is the second preference.
Your own house/back yard? Not recommended.
Model Flying Club.
If you are close to a club, (a Google search will show the locality of these) then this is by far the best option, as it will put you in contact with other members whom will give you free advice, and maybe even help you during your first tentative steps, and help you avoid costly mistakes.
Privately owned field or area This will be a relatively safe place to learn, but you will have to figure out most things for yourself.
Your own house/back yard.
Not recommended due to the safety aspect of flying you chopper in close proximity to many physical hazards, not to mention the strain it may place on your relationship with your neighbours, as you create lots of high decibel noise.
What is your Budget? Whilst a full scale model will look awesome both on the ground and in the air, it will certainly cost considerably more than a beginner model, due to the quality, amount, and type of hardware that is used to construct it.