Domain Name Tools
For example, yahoo.
com, google.
com, gmail.
com, hotmail.
com and slashdot.
org are all examples.
As you may have noticed, each of these names has a particular ending, which in many cases (but not always) can help identify the purpose of the domain - the most common ending for business sites being .
Other domain endings include .
net, .
org, .
gov which is reserved for US governmental sites, and .
edu which is reserved for US educational organizations, as well as various country-specific domain ends such as .
uk which is often used by UK based companies.
Additionally, new domain endings have been created from time to time, such as .
mobi which is intended for web sites accessible from mobile phones, and a recent decision by ICANN (the organization responsible for the domain name system) has allowed the possibility of many more types of domains being created in future.
For most types of domains, domains names are issued on a first-come-first-served basis to paying customers.
The exception is when trademarks is involved - for some domain types, trademark holders have been priority for initial registrations, but for all, trademark holders generally have some recourse (which may include obtaining the relevant name) if somebody else tries to illegally exploit names containing or related to their trademark (this illegal practice is known as "cybersquatting).
Another issue that can arise is what if a domain owner fails to pay the renewal fees (which are paid annually or bi-annually for most types of domains) that are required in order to maintain ownership of their domain.
In this case, what happens is domain is eventually "expired", and these expired names eventually become available to the public to register again on a first-come-first-basis - however, of course, in the case of valuable expired domain names there may be a large number of people wanting to register that name.
A wide variety of downloadable tools are available for working with domains, and some of these can be very useful.
These tools include: * Domain Name Suggestion Tools - It can be hard to find good quality available names, especially .
Suggestion tools are software tools that search for available domains based on combinations of keywords, etc.
, and then help you register them.
* Expired Domain Name Tools - There are a wide variety of tools for working with expired names, including tools to help you find domains that are about to expire.
* Tutorials - There are many tutorials about domains, including tutorials about trading them.