High School Teacher Annual Salary
- The 1,091,710 teachers in America's high schools made an average annual salary of $55,150 in 2010. High school teachers in the top 90th percentile make $82,000; those in the 75th percentile earn $66,110; teachers ranked in the 25th percentile net $42,070; and those in the 10th percentile bring in $34,600 per year.
- Public secondary schools are the chief employer of high school teachers, and there they earn an average of $55,210 annually. Other major employers of high school teachers include trade and technical schools, where they earn $50,130 every year; religious schools, which pay high school teachers an average of $48,770; and mental health and mental retardation facilities, where high school teachers net $48,220 a year.
- The state with the greatest concentration of high school teachers is Arizona, where 33,960 high school teachers are employed. The average Arizona high school teacher's salary comes in at $43,670. The second and third states with the greatest concentration of this teacher demographic are Hawaii, with an average annual wage of $48,660, and Montana, where a high school teacher's average salary is just $38,970.
- If you're a high school teacher looking to relocate for a better wage, Nassau, New York, is your best bet. This city reports the highest average salary for high school teachers in the country at $83,560. The second highest paying city for high school teachers is Chicago, ringing in at $74,530, and Anaheim, California, at $73,890.
National Average