Debt Clearance Opportunities Within Debt
There is a proverbial African saying that pork is fried in its own fat.
Likewise, debt can be repaid with proceeds from within it.
Remember that there is nothing so bad that it has no good.
So, how can you gain from debt and turn the problem on its head? The debt situation that is haunting you can be a goldmine.
You have spent a lot of time exploring ways to deal with debt, researched methods used by others to clear their debts.
You are perhaps applying some of these methods yourself.
Think back to the beginning of your debt situation.
Consider that plans for which you entered into debt may still be applicable and viable with correct and adequate resources.
Can you package your original idea and sell it to others so that they become your partners or buy you out? Can you do the same for several other ideas? Aristotle's words that "where your talents and the needs of the world cross, there lies your vocation," are true.
There are many people with resources but not the ideas.
What do you know or have that people would be willing to pay for? Do you have a painting talent you have never explored? Do you have a business idea that can earn good money? Create ways to package these and market them.
Think of your debt situation as an opportunity to start over.
Milk it for all it's got.
Getting out of a desperate debt situation can be the beginning of a part-time or even a full-time career for you.
Consider how you got yourself into the current mess? Is there something to learn? Are there warning signals that you may have ignored along the way? Can you advise others so that they avoid a path like yours? Can you write articles or even a book on the subject? Think of ways to deal with your debt; create a debt clearance plan.
Can you sell this to your creditors? They may surprise you by accepting the idea so that you pay the debts according to your own plan? Sell harder.
Can they pay for your debt repayment plan so that they use it to help their other debtors? Look for opportunities to share your knowledge and experience at seminars and other meetings.
Remember that there are people deeper in debt than you who would appreciate some encouragement.
Always prepare yourself so that your delivery is captivating and people want to listen to what you have to say.
Can you also package this into articles for print and online publishing? Remember that the biggest strides in history came about as a result of man's quest to find solutions to problems.
You are not alone.
Similar paths have men and women trodden on their way to success and greatness in many fields.
Brace yourself and keep your eyes on the target.