These 4 Tips Can Save Your Grocery Money
Who doesn't want to save money on groceries? The money we spend to feed our families is a great place to start saving. Many of us buy convenience foods, name brands, etc., that keep our grocery bill high. But you can reap drastic savings if you rethink the way you shop for food. These four tips will show you how.
You don't have to spend a fortune to feed your family. You can all eat well for less if you follow these easy shopping tips. You will love the extra money in your pocket!
- Plan ahead. If you know what you are going to the grocery store for, you are less likely to spend on things you don't need. Plan your meals for a week then go through your pantry and decide what you don't have. Plan meals for the most effective use of supplies, for example if you are planning a meal that takes a half a pound of ground beef and you have one pound, plan another meal that will use the remaining beef.
- Make a list and stick to it! How many times have you run to the store for eggs and come out 20 minutes later with a cart full of stuff you don't really need? If you make a list and vow to stick with it you can save yourself quite a bit of money!
- Don't pay for convenience. Yes, we all have busy lives and throwing a pan of ready-made lasagna or a pot pie in the oven is easy and convenient. However, you are paying a pretty penny for that convenience! If you want quick easy meals, take a day or two each month where you prepare frozen dinners yourself. Create casseroles, pot pies, etc., cook them then freeze the cooked dish to eat later in the month. You will find that you love the convenience, the savings, and the fact that you know what is in the meal!
- Shop the perimeter. Think about the layout of your grocery store. Most of them have fresh produce, meats, and dairy products around the outer edges of the store. If you do most of your shopping there, you will have a basket full of fresh and healthy food. Yes, you will need to venture into the middle for some things, but for the most part keep to the outer edges. That way you avoid a lot of the convenience and processed foods so your family will eat healthier!
You don't have to spend a fortune to feed your family. You can all eat well for less if you follow these easy shopping tips. You will love the extra money in your pocket!