Video: How to Deduct Volunteer Charity
Video Transcript
Hi, I¡¯m Tom Choisnet, enrolled agent; and here we are going to talk a little bit about volunteer charity. I didn¡¯t cover it in the earlier segments on charity but it is worthy to know because while your time itself is not deductible, you can build up a pretty good little deduction here. The mileage is now deductible at twenty cents a mile, and any of the supplies and equipment that you buy that can be directly related to the charity. For example if you do a church newsletter for example and you buy a printer so that you can get it out, that would be deductible. And I have had cases in my practice where coaches would buy athletic equipment for the needy students in their school and donate that and I have even seen weight lifting equipment and that type of thing added in so volunteer expenses, kids sports, take a little look at what you are spending on those things and take a little deduction for volunteer charity. You have got my blessing, I¡¯m Tom Choisnet, thank you.