Why Do People Have Pep Rallies?
- Schools hold pep rallies to engender school spirit. Students meld into a unit as they unite in support of a sports team. Pep rallies help students feel part of the school rather than isolated individuals. Pep rallies are held to let the team know the school and the students stand behind them. Team members hearing members of a pep squad cheering them during a sports event are encouraged to do their best or exert that extra effort needed to win the game.
- Candidates for office may or may not receive encouragement from the media. They may or may not receive encouragement from many of the audiences they seek to win over with their platform. Pep rallies are made up of individuals and groups who already support them. Their cheers encourage the candidates. Before a gathering of supporters, candidates can relax, knowing they don't need to convince those attending the pep rally of their positions. The speeches of these candidates are applauded, giving momentum to continue the run for office. An enthusiastic pep rally also provides positive material used for the media and other promotional opportunities.
- Organizations, just like schools, hold pep rallies. They bring in a speaker and have leaders who tout the benefits of the organization or the products sold by those in attendance. These leaders provide salespeople reason to cheer for the products they sell and the organization that provides the opportunity for financial security. The more the salespeople are encouraged, the more enthusiastic they are about the product and the more sales they make. Employees who understand their many benefits from a pep rally situation are more likely to be productive in their jobs. This approach can also be used to encourage students to do well on important tests.
- While religious organizations don't usually call their rallies "pep" rallies, the term often applies. When people gather together to worship, wave their hands and loudly express praise to a supreme being, they are, in effect, having a pep rally. Religious pep rallies draw people of like faith together and encourage them to continue practicing their religion in the fellowship of others. Religious pep rallies help people feel a sense of God's favor along with a sense of belonging.
Cheer on the Team
Encourage a Candidate
Promote a Product or Organization
Religious Fervor