Thrombocytosis After Hip and Knee Surgery
Thrombocytosis After Hip and Knee Surgery
Changes in platelet levels occurred after major joint surgery in patients admitted to a rehabilitation unit and elevated PLTC with thrombocytosis was not uncommon. This phenomenon may be a component of the underlying inflammatory process that acts to repair and heal the damaged tissue, but it does not promote DVT occurrence. Functional outcome was not affected by platelet changes or thrombocytosis. On the other hand, advanced age and low haemoglobin level predicted poor outcome.
Changes in platelet levels occurred after major joint surgery in patients admitted to a rehabilitation unit and elevated PLTC with thrombocytosis was not uncommon. This phenomenon may be a component of the underlying inflammatory process that acts to repair and heal the damaged tissue, but it does not promote DVT occurrence. Functional outcome was not affected by platelet changes or thrombocytosis. On the other hand, advanced age and low haemoglobin level predicted poor outcome.