How Do I Get a Left Arrow to Print?
- 1). Click the "Start" button, type "WordPad" in the search box and press the "Enter" key to launch the WordPad program. You can also use any other word processing program installed on your computer.
- 2). Ensure the number lock ("NumLk") key is enabled on your computer keyboard. You can find it on your keyboard's number pad.
- 3). Hold down the "Alt" key and type the code "8592" using the number pad. This will not work if you type the code using the row of numbers above the letter keys.
- 4). Release the "Alt" key. A left arrow symbol appears in your WordPad document.
- 5). Highlight the left arrow symbol and change the font size using the drop-down menu if you need a larger arrow.
- 6). Click the "File" menu, then click "Print" to send the left arrow symbol to your printer.