Side Effects of Metoclopramide for Cats
- Cats ingest fur when they bathe and may need to vomit up a lick image by Allyson Ricketts from
Cats need to vomit occasionally for beneficial reasons, such as to expel hairballs, or when they've eaten something spoiled or toxic. Excessive vomiting, however, can indicate a serious illness and may also damage the feline's internal organs and cause malnutrition, warns In cases where excessive vomiting must be brought under control, metoclopramide may be given to block the cat's ability to throw up. As with any medication, your cat may experience some side effects while taking metoclopramide. - Constipation is the most common side effect of metoclopramide, reports The feline may have difficulty defecating, and owners may notice their cat visiting the litter box frequently and straining to have a bowel movement.
- Metoclopramide can also cause a cat to become listless or lethargic; reports, however, that lethargy is also a side effect of constipation. Therefore, if your cat suffers from extreme lethargy, it's best to return to the vet to determine the cause of the listless behavior.
- The opposite of lethargy is frenzy and, oddly enough, a cat may experience frenzied and disoriented behavior while on metoclopramide, too. recommends a trip to the vet should the feline exhibit this side effect.
- If the feline is allergic to metoclopramide, or any of its ingredients, it can exhibit symptoms such as breaking out into a rash or hives, vomiting and/or diarrhea, and, in cases of severe allergy, shock, seizures and coma.
- In addition to metoclopramide's possible side effects, certain precautions should be considered before administering the medication to the cat. The drug should not be given to felines who suffer from intestinal blockage or bleeding. It's also contraindicated in cats that suffer from seizures. If the cat has the adrenal tumor pheochromocytoma, metoclopramide may cause a fatal increase in blood pressure, and, of course, caution should be used with pregnant or nursing cats, as traces of metoclopramide enter the mother's milk.
Behavioral Side Effects
Allergic Reaction