The Top Three Golf Swing Tips For Beginners
There is no questions that when you are a beginner golfer that you need to build a solid repeatable swing and that is where the best golf swing tips come in.
Unfortunately many new golfers make mistakes learning the golf swing basics when they first start out that actually harms their swing and ends up taking them years to unlearn.
Hopefully by reading this article you will avoid some of the pitfalls that many new golfers make and pick up what the important golf swing basics are that you should be concentrating on.
First, let's start with the best tip I ever received about my golf swing.
Never look at or try to imitate another golfer's swing.
First of all you are unique, your height, your weight and flexibility directly affects your swing.
So build your own swing based on strong fundamentals, here are 3 golf swing tips for beginners that will help you do just that.
Repeatable set up If you watch any professional golfer to pick up some more golf swing tips you will see that they have a routine they do with each swing.
For example you will usually see them stand behind the ball so they can get a good look at how and where the ball needs to travel for the shot to be successful.
They are also visualizing their shot at this point.
Next they may take a few practice swings and then they address the ball, some have a waggle here, some do not.
It does not matter what your routine is, just learn to do it every time you are taking a shot.
Your take away Here is another area that many beginners make a major mistake on grasping the golf swing basics.
Oftentimes, new golfers pick the club up too fast; this gives you less arc and you lose power and speed.
You will also have to "throw" the club head to try and get it back to square.
When you begin your take away keep the club head "low and away" this means keeping your club head as low to the ground as you can until your arms are extended as far away as possible.
This will help you to generate power and keep your swing on the right plane.
Finish High Your follow through is just as important.
When you follow through you need to finish high.
This means that your arms need to continue through until they finish above your head.
This will help you to generate more club head speed which means more distance with your clubs.
It will also help you keep from decelerating on your swing which can lead to shanks and shots that will have very poor results.
Hopefully with these golf swing tips for beginners you will learn a few things that will help you to build a good solid, repeatable swing so you can enjoy the game of golf for years to come.
Unfortunately many new golfers make mistakes learning the golf swing basics when they first start out that actually harms their swing and ends up taking them years to unlearn.
Hopefully by reading this article you will avoid some of the pitfalls that many new golfers make and pick up what the important golf swing basics are that you should be concentrating on.
First, let's start with the best tip I ever received about my golf swing.
Never look at or try to imitate another golfer's swing.
First of all you are unique, your height, your weight and flexibility directly affects your swing.
So build your own swing based on strong fundamentals, here are 3 golf swing tips for beginners that will help you do just that.
Repeatable set up If you watch any professional golfer to pick up some more golf swing tips you will see that they have a routine they do with each swing.
For example you will usually see them stand behind the ball so they can get a good look at how and where the ball needs to travel for the shot to be successful.
They are also visualizing their shot at this point.
Next they may take a few practice swings and then they address the ball, some have a waggle here, some do not.
It does not matter what your routine is, just learn to do it every time you are taking a shot.
Your take away Here is another area that many beginners make a major mistake on grasping the golf swing basics.
Oftentimes, new golfers pick the club up too fast; this gives you less arc and you lose power and speed.
You will also have to "throw" the club head to try and get it back to square.
When you begin your take away keep the club head "low and away" this means keeping your club head as low to the ground as you can until your arms are extended as far away as possible.
This will help you to generate power and keep your swing on the right plane.
Finish High Your follow through is just as important.
When you follow through you need to finish high.
This means that your arms need to continue through until they finish above your head.
This will help you to generate more club head speed which means more distance with your clubs.
It will also help you keep from decelerating on your swing which can lead to shanks and shots that will have very poor results.
Hopefully with these golf swing tips for beginners you will learn a few things that will help you to build a good solid, repeatable swing so you can enjoy the game of golf for years to come.