Pope Benedict - Holy Smoke

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This time Pope Benedict's smoke is: "The Church must focus on helping the abused to heal." Great news Mr. B! Does this mean the super secret Vatican Bank will be cutting checks for physcological therapy to aid that healing? Or are you and your Holy posse going to do it all with the power of prayer? And, what about the abusers and their twenty five year protector/facilitator? Forsee any punishment there? Or is it "prayer power time" again?

Loved your previous "smoke cloud" Mr. B. : "Bishops have been instructed to report sexual abuse." The "B. man" layin' down the hard line? Not even. Want to know the ultimate punishment in the Catholic Church for child abuse? it's "defrocking." A fancy word for : "You can't be a priest anymore." Smell reasonable/just to you? Or just a little bit "smoky?" Obviously, anyone who did the same, not protected by the shield of "holiness" would be looking at some serious jail time. And the equally serious possibility of jail house justice served up with a sharp spoon. (Remember killers and robbers have children too!)

The evidence that Joseph Ratzinger, former Archbishop of Munich, Pope Benedict, the smokey, was totally aware of, and aided pedophilia in the Catholic Church for over tewnty five years is copius and absolutely incontestable. No need to repeat here what others have detailed more completley; except to add that (then) Bishop Ratzinger, as head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith -  the (supposed) "watchdog" for clerical abuse - insisted that every scrap of paper relating to child abuse cross his desk. "No one in the whole of the Catholic Church knows as much about abuse cases as this Pope." - Hans Kunz, a former friend of Ratzingers

Pope Benedict's cupability a given, begs(at least) these three questions :Why are we letting him get away with it? Letting him commit a second offense. Abusing us?

The short(but accurate) answer is : Because he's "Holy." Therefore - above the laws and accepted standards of behaviour that apply to you and I. The (slightly) longer answer is : Because Governments choose to grant "holiness", "special status."

Imagine, if the Italian Goivernment were to say : Ok, Mr. Pope, you and your "holy see", your Vatican and it's bank are no longer Holy. You'll be paying all the normal taxes, abiding by zoning regulations, and we'll be auditing your bank." Of Couse the Italian Government, any Government, for that matter, will never do that. For a very practical ass-saving reason. Pissing off Catholics loses Catholic votes!

So, sadly, although this righteous fantasy will not morph into reality anytime soon, the Belgian Government has taken the first much needed step to "defrocking" Holiness. They're refused to recognize the Church's "right" to "handle" abuse cases there. And, righteously have confiscated all relevant Church records. "Deplorable" was the reaction of the "helping the abused to heal" Pope.

Second question : Why/how can anyone with a full load respect, revere, seek guidance from a man who says condoms "increase the spread of aids", that gays are "evil" and should be denied all rights, and that Women should never be priests?  Is this the profund wisdom of a dynamic contemporary Spiritual Leader, or the ramblings of someone totally removed from logic, reason and the realities of twenty first Century life?

Third question : Why are (some) Catholics supporting Benedict as if HE were the victim?

What I just don't get is this - Wherever the Popemobile rolls, thousands of Catholics clog the streets to cheer. WHY? Why cheer for someone responsible for twenty five years(that we know of) of secret, systematic International child abuse?

Why are you Catholics, Mothers and Fathers, venerating a man who for eight years stonewalled on the case of a priest who raped and tortured two hundred deaf and mute children?(and was NEVER punished.)

Why are you cheering him for abusing children? And for, as he is doing now, abusing you?

Does this man deserve your cheers, or solitary confinement as he awaits trail at the Hague for crimes against the most vunerable members of humanity - our children - The World's future?I can see it clearly. Non-Catholics can see it clearly. Anyone not seduced by "holiness" can see it. But not Catholics. At least, not the ones, hi-fiving the popemobile. My guess is that they've been blinded. By "Holy Smoke."
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