5 Simple Ways to Winter-proof your Home to Maintain Value
When you winterize your home following these simple steps, you'll save your home from wear and tear that can lower your property value. You can also save money on energy bills. Heating costs can go sky high in the wintertime if your home isn't properly insulated.
1.Seal the window and door jams.
Your winterization plan should start inside your home. First, check for leaks around the doors and windows. According to experts, leaky windows and doors can increase heating bills by at least 10 to 15%. You can check for leaks simply by holding the back of your hand to the cracks around your doors and windows. Since the back of your hand is more sensitive, you'll be able to easily tell if air is coming in. Use weather stripping and caulking to take care of drafts.
2.Inspect and seal ductwork
Your ductwork can also be a source of low energy efficiency in your home, which can really rear its head during the winter. Leaky ductwork can make heat flow into the attic, which is waste of heat and your money. The seals on ductwork can be worn down over time, so it's a good idea to test out this system in your home. The minor cost associated with sealing ductwork is negligible when compared to the money you'll save on your heating bills.
3.Check your furnace
Having your furnace serviced is another important step in winterizing your home, and keeping this important piece of equipment running will help when you decide to sell your home. Each month you should change the filter on your furnace to keep it running properly. If you have a gas heater, check each season for leaks around the gas pipe a few times during the winter season.
4.Prepare the top of your home
The roof, chimney and gutters get the bulk of the damage from bad weather. Prepare the top of your home by cleaning out the gutters, inspecting the roof and examining the chimney for cracks. Before bad weather starts, clear out old leaves from the gutters so they can easily move water from your roof. Check the roof for missing tiles or loose shingles and repair as needed. Fix any chinks or cracks in the chimney.
5.Protect your air conditioner.
Your air conditioner can be damaged by cold weather, so be sure to cover it with plastic insulation. This will help prevent heat loss from the inside of your home. Be sure to turn off the water flow to the air conditioner so you won't have any freezing during the winter months.
These steps will help your home stay in great shape throughout the winter and save you money at the same time.