Encourage Action in Your eBay Selling Ads
Give as many relevant details about your items as possible.
It's impossible to provide too much factual information, so stack one important detail on top of another and prioritize these in order of importance to the buyer.
Every prospect will get their fill to varying degrees.
One sales point will sway one buyer to step forward and bid while another will be moved by something else entirely.
You never know which key detail will result in that got-to-have-it feeling which can trigger a bidding frenzy and an avalanche of profits for you.
Best thing to do is include all you can.
Your mission is to get prospects to: 1) Use the Buy-It-Now to win the auction 2) Place a bid 3) Leave their email address by signing up to your list so you can let them know about your other related items and hopefully sell them something down the road.
4) Mark your auction as one to watch so they'll hopefully return and bid later.
Any other result doesn't count.
It doesn't matter if they mark your auction as one to watch if they don't get in on the action at some point in time.
And it doesn't matter how many page views you receive.
Action in the form of bidding and buying is where it's at and it's your job as seller to do everything in your power to encourage more people viewing your page to get in on it before it's gone for good.
Trigger some kind of action, even if it's just a question.
Questions should be welcomed by sellers, rather than seen as an annoyance.
If a potential buyer takes the time to ask a question, they're usually seriously interested in taking the next step.
Often a question will tip you off to a detail you perhaps should have included in your listing, but somehow overlooked.
For the buyer, it says a lot about you and whether you make the grade.
Questions give you an opportunity to shine in the customer service area.
Always respond promptly, professionally and in a friendly manner even to the stupid questions that you've already answered in your description.
You have the option of making any question and answer visible to all.
This means it's a glorious opportunity to let your personality and professionalism as a seller shine.
Another great advantage is that questions can be answered and made public right up until the close of any auction.
This allows you to provide important information to prospective buyers, right up until the last minute.
It's a great advantage to be able to so on auctions where you've already received bids.
You can always change your descriptions up to the final 12 hours of your listing, as long as there are no bids.
But once a bid has been received, you cannot go in and change your description.
But you can answer any question, and in so doing, provide important information or clarification.