Does a healthy diet exist? there are so many diet plans available and yet obesity still stands stron
You may assume the answer is YES, but think about it. If one exists why do we still have such a high obesity rate?
There are countless solutions to weightloss: workouts, cleanses, diets, competitions, shows...the resources are endless and yet our waists seems to be ever increasing in size and the number of chronics diseases linked to poor nutrition are ever growing.
Did you know that our obesity rate increased 7% from 2013 to 2014?
Did you know that inactivity increased by 3%?
Diabetes has increased 9.6 %.
*statistics were taken from the UNITED HEALTH Foundation's annual report*
If we have so many resources to lose the weight, WHY are we gaining it??
Yes you do have to put in the work to eat a healhty diet, it is not easy, but if you put in the work you should see some results. FOR MANY the RESULTS NEVER COME.
There are many people who have taken on the task to live healthier, they go raw, they go paleo, gluten-free, clean-eating. All of these sound familair right? Even fast food places have healthy options now and they are advertising using food from local farms as much as they can.
This should help. We should see some sort of dip in the numbers...but we don't.
If you eat all of the right foods but still hit a plateau, is that one treat once a month really to blame?
IS one slip up enough to keep you from reaching that ideal body? Or reducing your risk for diabetes? NO!
The problem is OUR FOOD.
70% of our food is processed. The whole foods that you try your best to buy are not as nutritious as they once were.
YOU ARE COMPETING with 100 years of research and marketing to make our food just another consumer product. Foods are made to be addictive and the advertising campaigns do their very best to get that food into your mouth, JUST ONCE. That is all it will take.
Food is no longer a source of nutrition it is an accessory.
WE no longer consider food a necessity it is a luxory and this is a BIG PROBLEM.
However there is an ANSWER! THERE IS A WAY!
Find out more by clicking the link below.
It is time to REEDUCATE ourselves on WHAT OUR BODIES NEED!
You may assume the answer is YES, but think about it. If one exists why do we still have such a high obesity rate?
There are countless solutions to weightloss: workouts, cleanses, diets, competitions, shows...the resources are endless and yet our waists seems to be ever increasing in size and the number of chronics diseases linked to poor nutrition are ever growing.
Did you know that our obesity rate increased 7% from 2013 to 2014?
Did you know that inactivity increased by 3%?
Diabetes has increased 9.6 %.
*statistics were taken from the UNITED HEALTH Foundation's annual report*
If we have so many resources to lose the weight, WHY are we gaining it??
Yes you do have to put in the work to eat a healhty diet, it is not easy, but if you put in the work you should see some results. FOR MANY the RESULTS NEVER COME.
There are many people who have taken on the task to live healthier, they go raw, they go paleo, gluten-free, clean-eating. All of these sound familair right? Even fast food places have healthy options now and they are advertising using food from local farms as much as they can.
This should help. We should see some sort of dip in the numbers...but we don't.
If you eat all of the right foods but still hit a plateau, is that one treat once a month really to blame?
IS one slip up enough to keep you from reaching that ideal body? Or reducing your risk for diabetes? NO!
The problem is OUR FOOD.
70% of our food is processed. The whole foods that you try your best to buy are not as nutritious as they once were.
YOU ARE COMPETING with 100 years of research and marketing to make our food just another consumer product. Foods are made to be addictive and the advertising campaigns do their very best to get that food into your mouth, JUST ONCE. That is all it will take.
Food is no longer a source of nutrition it is an accessory.
WE no longer consider food a necessity it is a luxory and this is a BIG PROBLEM.
However there is an ANSWER! THERE IS A WAY!
Find out more by clicking the link below.
It is time to REEDUCATE ourselves on WHAT OUR BODIES NEED!