Is Lightning Bolt Agility a Benefit Worth the P90X2 Cost?
When I decided to focus heavily on the P90X2 Workout, my first goal was to find the answer to the questions of whether or not the benefits individually and collectively justify the P90X2 Cost.
When you go to buy the program, the P90X2 cost is higher than P90X and also carries with it the imperative to purchase additional equipment.
The positive for Beachbody in analyzing the P90X2 cost is that it has a track record of providing great value. There is little argument that P90X was a very effective home exercise program. The amount that you put into was greatly paid off and then some. To date, the program hovers around 5 million satisfied customers worldwide. The momentum really has never been blunted thanks mostly to excellent word of mouth. The bottom line is that few ever question the value in exchange for the cost you pay for P90X.
So the higher P90X2 cost could be no big deal or it could be a deal breaker. The question turns on big issues of what I call the home run benefits. For P90X2 the image problem it has suffered from early on which has caused a definite underperformance in sales is in my opinion due to the inability to make rewards like core strength and stability, flexibility, balance and €lightning bolt agility€ meaningful to the user.
While I have stated previously that you don't get these benefits to any great level from P90X and that is what makes the P90X2 cost worth it, this is wholly unsatisfactory. Consider agility and what it means. Fitness considerations like this are actually the big ticket items of fitness. They go beyond what happens when you lift a lot of weights or can run really far and go to total body performance, durability and yes appearance. If you have excellent agility, it means that you are mastering concepts like balance, flexibility, core power and fitness and also sound cardio vascular health. You'll look better, perform better, and last longer feeling great.
I think the big challenge ahead for the folks behind P90X2 is to make this connection for people. P90X was about creating an ideal outcome that people coveted in pictures and giving you a proven path to get there. It is clear that we are going to have to give people a reason to value what is undoubtedly highly valuable. You do this with pictures and you do this with testimonials.
When you go to buy the program, the P90X2 cost is higher than P90X and also carries with it the imperative to purchase additional equipment.
The positive for Beachbody in analyzing the P90X2 cost is that it has a track record of providing great value. There is little argument that P90X was a very effective home exercise program. The amount that you put into was greatly paid off and then some. To date, the program hovers around 5 million satisfied customers worldwide. The momentum really has never been blunted thanks mostly to excellent word of mouth. The bottom line is that few ever question the value in exchange for the cost you pay for P90X.
So the higher P90X2 cost could be no big deal or it could be a deal breaker. The question turns on big issues of what I call the home run benefits. For P90X2 the image problem it has suffered from early on which has caused a definite underperformance in sales is in my opinion due to the inability to make rewards like core strength and stability, flexibility, balance and €lightning bolt agility€ meaningful to the user.
While I have stated previously that you don't get these benefits to any great level from P90X and that is what makes the P90X2 cost worth it, this is wholly unsatisfactory. Consider agility and what it means. Fitness considerations like this are actually the big ticket items of fitness. They go beyond what happens when you lift a lot of weights or can run really far and go to total body performance, durability and yes appearance. If you have excellent agility, it means that you are mastering concepts like balance, flexibility, core power and fitness and also sound cardio vascular health. You'll look better, perform better, and last longer feeling great.
I think the big challenge ahead for the folks behind P90X2 is to make this connection for people. P90X was about creating an ideal outcome that people coveted in pictures and giving you a proven path to get there. It is clear that we are going to have to give people a reason to value what is undoubtedly highly valuable. You do this with pictures and you do this with testimonials.