What Are Your Standards?
This is a fairly simple concept in the self-improvement game, but one that gets easily bypassed for more complicated and sell-able ideas.
If you looked at your life at exactly where you are physically, financially, spiritually you are there because of the standards you've placed on yourself.
This is an amazing thing because if you don't like something, all you have to do is change your standards on the subject and voila! Time for an example.
Since we're discussing the fitness field let's make it a fitness one, eh? Say you don't like where your body is.
You're softer than you'd like, weaker than you wish you were or just not where you want to be.
Rather than focusing on a fitness and diet plan that's sure to work this time (side note, they all work! More on this in a different article) or all the limitations you are faced with (time constraints, low on cash, etc) focus on your standards.
Decide what you want and and why and your standards will shift.
You'll be amazed at what doors will suddenly open from this simple exercise.
I had overcomplicated things for myself for years! With so much information via books, articles, studies, magazines, DVDs, websites, personal development gurus, mp3s, fitness gurus, ebooks, blogs, medical journals, and textbooks it's easy to be on mental overload and forget how truly simple things are.
You want change? Then decide what you're new standards are and why and let them take care of business.
Quit being so damn hard on yourself! A great example is a friend and client of mine who used to hit up a local fast food place where he basically feasted like a king.
I know this because he showed me the receipt.
At the time he had no standards on his body or what he wanted to look like, and the results showed.
Then he got into MMA and started training with kettlebells and unconventional training and suddenly he had a different idea of what he wanted to look like.
After deciding the route he wanted his standards suddenly transformed.
Looking back he can't believe how much he used to eat.
His new standards won't let me him do that again.
Stop over-complicating things! (which is the title of another article I wrote).
Just look at yourself (honestly) and then set standards accordingly.
If you're going to set standards, do it right! Go big or go home as I always say.
My favorite example of some ridiculous standards is Georges St.
The guy is an animal who will be the best at all costs.
He trains harder, smarter, and longer than anyone and the results show.
He set standards for himself that only he can compete with.
Do the same in your life.
Make some crazy standards that might seem absurd to others (the more absurd the better).
Why be like everyone else? You'll be amazed at what a good standards shift for the better will do for your confidence.
You'll feel unstoppable.
So, stop what you're doing (this article is now over) and go set yourself some standards that will make you the beast of a man or woman you know you can be!
If you looked at your life at exactly where you are physically, financially, spiritually you are there because of the standards you've placed on yourself.
This is an amazing thing because if you don't like something, all you have to do is change your standards on the subject and voila! Time for an example.
Since we're discussing the fitness field let's make it a fitness one, eh? Say you don't like where your body is.
You're softer than you'd like, weaker than you wish you were or just not where you want to be.
Rather than focusing on a fitness and diet plan that's sure to work this time (side note, they all work! More on this in a different article) or all the limitations you are faced with (time constraints, low on cash, etc) focus on your standards.
Decide what you want and and why and your standards will shift.
You'll be amazed at what doors will suddenly open from this simple exercise.
I had overcomplicated things for myself for years! With so much information via books, articles, studies, magazines, DVDs, websites, personal development gurus, mp3s, fitness gurus, ebooks, blogs, medical journals, and textbooks it's easy to be on mental overload and forget how truly simple things are.
You want change? Then decide what you're new standards are and why and let them take care of business.
Quit being so damn hard on yourself! A great example is a friend and client of mine who used to hit up a local fast food place where he basically feasted like a king.
I know this because he showed me the receipt.
At the time he had no standards on his body or what he wanted to look like, and the results showed.
Then he got into MMA and started training with kettlebells and unconventional training and suddenly he had a different idea of what he wanted to look like.
After deciding the route he wanted his standards suddenly transformed.
Looking back he can't believe how much he used to eat.
His new standards won't let me him do that again.
Stop over-complicating things! (which is the title of another article I wrote).
Just look at yourself (honestly) and then set standards accordingly.
If you're going to set standards, do it right! Go big or go home as I always say.
My favorite example of some ridiculous standards is Georges St.
The guy is an animal who will be the best at all costs.
He trains harder, smarter, and longer than anyone and the results show.
He set standards for himself that only he can compete with.
Do the same in your life.
Make some crazy standards that might seem absurd to others (the more absurd the better).
Why be like everyone else? You'll be amazed at what a good standards shift for the better will do for your confidence.
You'll feel unstoppable.
So, stop what you're doing (this article is now over) and go set yourself some standards that will make you the beast of a man or woman you know you can be!