Problems Connecting a PC to a TV
- Both standard-definition and high-definition televisions present problems when put to use as a computer monitor. When connecting a PC to a standard-definition television, the resolution will be less than a PC monitor. The resolution of a standard computer monitor is 800x600 or higher, while these types of televisions offer only 640x480. This translates to not only a loss in resolution but an inability to read text or distinguish graphics. High-definition televisions present the problem of video format conversion. They accept RGB/HV and Y-Pr-Pb video formats. Computers will require a video card that can send the necessary signals for conversion. Some programs are on the market that help with signal output.
- It is important to have the right cable for the particular computer and television. A common cable, S-Video, is found on certain televisions and computers before 2005. Look for a seven pin port on the computer as well as the television to see if this connection is possible. VGA cables work only with high-definition televisions and provides a better picture than S-Video. To get the best visuals, use a HDMI cable. Some computers will not have the HDMI, so a digital video interface to HDMI cable may be necessary.
- There may be a limit to how far the computer can be from the television. Usually, cable lengths will dictate the distance. A wireless converter could be helpful if the computer is in another room and cables are not a possibility. Also think about dealing with the location where you will be operating the computer. Problems can arise with reaching over the computer constantly to change channels or volume. Getting a cordless keyboard and mouse help with this situation. Be sure to remove any cables or equipment from areas where people will be moving about or walking to avoid tripping.
- Changes need to be made in the computer settings to allow for the television to become the monitor. In Windows, go to the control panel and choose through screen resolution options. The display option will extend the desktop onto the television screen. When using Apple computers, go to system preferences and choose the same options as for Windows.
Computer Settings