Physical Therapy Can Be Used for Rehabilitation or Preventative Care
If you have suffered an injury or you are recuperating from an surgery or an ailment, your doctor may decided that you need physical therapy as a part of your care. Santa Monica physicals therapy providers are here to treat your health problems and get you back to normal as quickly as possible. With a combination of acupuncture, spa therapy and physical manipulation, there are various treatment options available to rehabilitate your body and restore your mobility.
Many people who need therapy complain of sever pain and discomfort as well as immobility. Of some, it can be painful to stand erect or perform certain activities, for others, it may be impossible to maintain the balance needed to walk so they cannot move at all. Regardless of the severity of the disability, the purpose of physical therapy is to relieve your pain and restore and improve your body so that it functions as if the injury never occurred.
For rehabilitative physicals therapy, the therapist will use varying massage techniques to loosen tight muscles and increase blood flow. These massages not only help to release pain that may rest deep inside ligaments or muscles,but they also help to improve the flexibility of the muscle which in turn will increase your mobility over time. Another form of therapy, such as spa therapy, may be more appropriate in situations where a massage is too painful to execute or, in cases where your mobility is extremely limited and the support offered by the water is needed. In other situations, injections may be necessary to treat the injury to relieve the pain. In those cases, the therapist may also combine a diet regiment with your therapy to prevent intervention or complications.
Physical therapy is not only used as rehabilitative care, it is also used a preventative care as well. Athletes often engage in preventative care because of the stress that is applied to their bodies when playing professional sports and working out. To prevent injury, athletes must strengthen and train their muscles, but they suffer a higher risk of permanent injury or nerve damage. Santa Monica physical facilities are available for athletes, and many of them use the facilities year round. Physical therapy for athletes in need of preventative care will use various exercise equipment within the facilities to strengthen their joints and muscles. The equipment used is similar to those found at a workout facility. Because physical therapist study the functions of nerves and joints as well as muscles, the moves that are performed in a physical therapy office may differ from the moves that would be performed at the gym. These moves are more concentrated and focused than regular exercise moves and the therapist will measure improvement that are made to modify the therapy sessions for continued improvement.
All in all, physical therapy can be used for rehabilitation or preventative care. Whether you need to increase mobility, decrease pain or prepare the body for a strenuous athletic season, a physical therapist can help you achieve y our goals. In either case, the care is very targeted and the results are measured to be more prominent.
Many people who need therapy complain of sever pain and discomfort as well as immobility. Of some, it can be painful to stand erect or perform certain activities, for others, it may be impossible to maintain the balance needed to walk so they cannot move at all. Regardless of the severity of the disability, the purpose of physical therapy is to relieve your pain and restore and improve your body so that it functions as if the injury never occurred.
For rehabilitative physicals therapy, the therapist will use varying massage techniques to loosen tight muscles and increase blood flow. These massages not only help to release pain that may rest deep inside ligaments or muscles,but they also help to improve the flexibility of the muscle which in turn will increase your mobility over time. Another form of therapy, such as spa therapy, may be more appropriate in situations where a massage is too painful to execute or, in cases where your mobility is extremely limited and the support offered by the water is needed. In other situations, injections may be necessary to treat the injury to relieve the pain. In those cases, the therapist may also combine a diet regiment with your therapy to prevent intervention or complications.
Physical therapy is not only used as rehabilitative care, it is also used a preventative care as well. Athletes often engage in preventative care because of the stress that is applied to their bodies when playing professional sports and working out. To prevent injury, athletes must strengthen and train their muscles, but they suffer a higher risk of permanent injury or nerve damage. Santa Monica physical facilities are available for athletes, and many of them use the facilities year round. Physical therapy for athletes in need of preventative care will use various exercise equipment within the facilities to strengthen their joints and muscles. The equipment used is similar to those found at a workout facility. Because physical therapist study the functions of nerves and joints as well as muscles, the moves that are performed in a physical therapy office may differ from the moves that would be performed at the gym. These moves are more concentrated and focused than regular exercise moves and the therapist will measure improvement that are made to modify the therapy sessions for continued improvement.
All in all, physical therapy can be used for rehabilitation or preventative care. Whether you need to increase mobility, decrease pain or prepare the body for a strenuous athletic season, a physical therapist can help you achieve y our goals. In either case, the care is very targeted and the results are measured to be more prominent.