Runner Gratitude - Mapping Systems
Feeling gratitude generates more opportunities to feel gratitude.
This is the Law of Attraction in action.
If you deeply appreciate something, someone, some place, or some experience, then you effectively program your unconscious mind to find more opportunities to experience this good feeling.
Today there are online route-mapping systems -- or, simply, "mapping systems" -- that some runners may take for granted.
This is a pity, given that these mapping systems have several benefits:
Instead, choose to take time regularly to read and feel strongly about several statements of gratitude about mapping systems.
To get you started, here are several such statements.
Then regularly review your custom list to use your appreciation for online route-mapping systems to activate the Law of Attraction in your life as a runner!
This is the Law of Attraction in action.
If you deeply appreciate something, someone, some place, or some experience, then you effectively program your unconscious mind to find more opportunities to experience this good feeling.
Today there are online route-mapping systems -- or, simply, "mapping systems" -- that some runners may take for granted.
This is a pity, given that these mapping systems have several benefits:
- Most systems will let you define a custom route simply by clicking your mouse on a sequence of street intersections on a map.
- Many systems can automatically calculate total distance of a custom route in miles or kilometers.
- Many systems can automatically place mile or kilometer markers on a map of your custom route.
- The coach of a group training program can email a mapping-system link to all members so that they can view the route for their upcoming group run well before the day of the group run.
- Some systems will tell you the altitude changes that occur as one runs the route.
- Some mapping systems will let you print turn-by-turn directions.
- Some systems will let you estimate the number of kilocalories (Calories) that you will burn by running the route.
- Many mapping systems will let you print a custom route.
- Some systems will let you export your custom route to a file that can be read into Google Earth or Google Maps.
Instead, choose to take time regularly to read and feel strongly about several statements of gratitude about mapping systems.
To get you started, here are several such statements.
- I am truly grateful for how simple it is to use my online route-mapping system.
- I love the way that these systems calculate my total distance.
- I am thankful to the people who realized that mile markers on my maps would be helpful.
- I appreciate that my group training program's coach uses one of these online systems.
- I enjoy the altitude information that my system provides.
- I am grateful for getting turn-by-turn directions in addition to a printable map.
- I love being able to export my custom routes to Google Earth and Google Maps.
Then regularly review your custom list to use your appreciation for online route-mapping systems to activate the Law of Attraction in your life as a runner!