Why Collect Celebrity Autographs?
Why are celebrity autographs so special? Why do some people go to extreme measures to obtain celebrity autographs? There are a number of different reasons to explain why people go to extremes to obtain that illusive autograph - Firstly the individual may feel some kind of bond with the celebrity who penned the autographs, and themselves, by the very fact that they now own the autograph and possess what they now believe to be in some way a part of the person who signed the autograph - Secondly there are so many different collectibles on the market, however autographs are extra special, a one off, and they in themselves hold great value.
- Thirdly the celebrity have actually put pen to paper and signed the piece that is now in possession of the owner, this in turn can give the person a great sense of affiliation with the celebrity, almost a sense of ownership.
The internet is first class choice to find a good source for exclusive autographs.
When purchasing autographs form a supplier, the item may also be sold with a Certificate of Authenticity (COA).
COA's are not that particularly important when buying autographs, anybody can issue a COA with an autograph item but this obviously doesn't mean that the item is real.
Collecting celebrity autographs can become very addictive and soon what starts with one or two autographs can turn into a lifelong collection and hobby.
To own what someone famous has touched or in this case signed can give the owner a sense of belonging to or as already suggested an affiliation with the celebrity.
Also the autograph itself can have a high monetary value, some nowadays can fetch upwards from $100 and some like the Beatles have sold on Web Sites for as much as $20000.
- Thirdly the celebrity have actually put pen to paper and signed the piece that is now in possession of the owner, this in turn can give the person a great sense of affiliation with the celebrity, almost a sense of ownership.
The internet is first class choice to find a good source for exclusive autographs.
When purchasing autographs form a supplier, the item may also be sold with a Certificate of Authenticity (COA).
COA's are not that particularly important when buying autographs, anybody can issue a COA with an autograph item but this obviously doesn't mean that the item is real.
Collecting celebrity autographs can become very addictive and soon what starts with one or two autographs can turn into a lifelong collection and hobby.
To own what someone famous has touched or in this case signed can give the owner a sense of belonging to or as already suggested an affiliation with the celebrity.
Also the autograph itself can have a high monetary value, some nowadays can fetch upwards from $100 and some like the Beatles have sold on Web Sites for as much as $20000.