9 Top Areas To Address In Your Social Media Policy
I could hardly believe my eyes! I'd read about it, discussed it, reviewed it, even posted about it, but I had never actually seen it...
An apparent staff member posting a negative post about their position in their dental office...
While at their office!! Social media is here and whether you are utilizing it in your practice/business or not, your employees are! It would be great if you could depend on posts being all positive and upbeat, but we know that's not reality.
You know the implications it can present to the practice/business.
You know the importance of having some type of policy in place for your practice/business, but...
What areas need to be addressed? The top 9 areas to address:
Then have a staff meeting introducing and going over the new policies of the office.
Then have each employee sign that they understand and have received a copy.
This is not an all inclusive list nor do all of these have to be addressed.
Your practice/business will determine how involved you need to be with your social media policy.
However, whether your practice/business is actually using social media should not be the determining factor for whether or not you need a social media policy.
The fact that your employees ARE using social media makes having your social media policies in place...
critical! If you have your policies in place, what areas did you address not listed here? ***NOTE: This is not meant to be legal advice and I am not an attorney.
An apparent staff member posting a negative post about their position in their dental office...
While at their office!! Social media is here and whether you are utilizing it in your practice/business or not, your employees are! It would be great if you could depend on posts being all positive and upbeat, but we know that's not reality.
You know the implications it can present to the practice/business.
You know the importance of having some type of policy in place for your practice/business, but...
What areas need to be addressed? The top 9 areas to address:
- Policy Statement: This is a generalized statement about participating in social media.
Tie it in with your Office Manual and Personal Conduct.
Also address/acknowledge what's done on their time is their business, however certain activities at work or outside work that could affect job performance, theirs or another employee, or the practice/business interests are a proper focus for a practice/business policy. - Definitions: Reference the social channels and networks you are referring to in your policy.
Blogs, micro-blogs, social networks, social bookmarking, sharing platforms, etc.
Also reference how these might be address.
Internet, mobile, text, email, etc.
Also reference the account Ex.
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Blogs, and any other social channel. - Objectives: Establish and include guidelines that employees adhere to and why you are initiating the Social Media Policy.
- Guiding Principals: Address how you expect employees to use social media at work and outside work.
Who can "speak" on behalf of the practice/business.
What can and cannot be discussed while at work or on their own time.
Assure online activities don't interfere with job requirements or commitment to patients/clients. - Respectfulness: Interaction online at work or on their time, always careful of what's posted.
Don't say/post anything you wouldn't want seen on the front page of the local newspaper or your Grandmother to read! - Disclosure and Transparency: You're building trust and relationships.
Be aware of what you are posting, be honest, and disclose your true identity.
Transparency and Authenticity (open and genuine ) are the two key elements. - Privacy: Address you, the Employers, right to privacy and Employees right to privacy.
As such employers and employees have the right to keep personal opinions, thoughts, beliefs, and emotions private and employees are prohibited from violating another employee or their employers right to privacy. - Confidentiality: Effectively managing and protecting confidential information is critical.
Failure to manage and protect confidential information correctly and what that could result in.
ALSO Employees can disagree but external blogs or other online channels are not to be used to air employee disagreements.
Note: Again, be careful of what's posted.
It's going to be on the online networks for a long time.
If in doubt, don't post it!! - Penalties: Failure to Comply with these policies may result in: List what could happen if an employee does not comply.
They could include: Warnings, No longer have access to certain information, Disciplinary action, up to and including termination, even Civil or criminal penalties as provided by law (depending on the situation).
Then have a staff meeting introducing and going over the new policies of the office.
Then have each employee sign that they understand and have received a copy.
This is not an all inclusive list nor do all of these have to be addressed.
Your practice/business will determine how involved you need to be with your social media policy.
However, whether your practice/business is actually using social media should not be the determining factor for whether or not you need a social media policy.
The fact that your employees ARE using social media makes having your social media policies in place...
critical! If you have your policies in place, what areas did you address not listed here? ***NOTE: This is not meant to be legal advice and I am not an attorney.