Women, Citrus, and Stroke
Everyone knows that vitamin C is good for your immune system, but current research is showing that when women eat the citrus fruit that contain high content of a certain compound-especially grapefruit and oranges-there is an extra benefit that is created, namely a much lower chance of ever suffering an ischemic stroke.
It was found that the women that ingested the highest amount of this compound had a 19 percent lower risk of suffering from this most common type of stroke.
The compound is a subclass of flavonoid.
These compounds are usually found in fruits, vegetables, red wine, and dark chocolate.
The flavonoids in these foods are thought to help prevent stroke in a few different ways, mostly through improving blood vessel health and with their anti-inflammatory properties.
Ischemic stroke occurs when a blood clot partially or completely blocks the flow of oxygenated blood to the brain.
If unchecked, this type of stroke can cause permanent disability or even death.
As such, it is very important that you do what you can to help prevent this from happening.
Stroke treatments have improved a lot over the last several years, but they are still quite dangerous.
Eating right is just one simple way that you can start doing your part in preventing these health disasters from happening.
14 years of data was analyzed and there were over 69,000 women listed as subjects within this study.
They looked at six different types of flavonoid that are common within diets in the United States and compared them to the rate of stroke that occurred within this sample of subjects.
They didn't find a relevant connection between these because the study looked at such a wide array of different flavonoids, but they did find a connection between stroke and citrus consumption, which was something that was not entirely expected.
This was a good thing, though, because citrus fruit is readily available and tastes good too.
The study looked mainly at oranges, orange juice, grapefruits, and grapefruit juice, although researchers did urge subjects to focus mainly on the fruit and less on the juice in order to decrease excessive sugar consumption.
There are still many loose ends that can be tied up with further research.
For example, what type of benefit do citrus fruit have upon men of the same age bracket? Is their risk of stroke also decreased when they consume oranges and grapefruit? These questions can very easily be addressed in future studies, although this could prove to be very time consuming.
In order for such a study to prove accurate, many years of data will be necessary, but odds are that these things will benefit men just as well as they benefit women.
It was found that the women that ingested the highest amount of this compound had a 19 percent lower risk of suffering from this most common type of stroke.
The compound is a subclass of flavonoid.
These compounds are usually found in fruits, vegetables, red wine, and dark chocolate.
The flavonoids in these foods are thought to help prevent stroke in a few different ways, mostly through improving blood vessel health and with their anti-inflammatory properties.
Ischemic stroke occurs when a blood clot partially or completely blocks the flow of oxygenated blood to the brain.
If unchecked, this type of stroke can cause permanent disability or even death.
As such, it is very important that you do what you can to help prevent this from happening.
Stroke treatments have improved a lot over the last several years, but they are still quite dangerous.
Eating right is just one simple way that you can start doing your part in preventing these health disasters from happening.
14 years of data was analyzed and there were over 69,000 women listed as subjects within this study.
They looked at six different types of flavonoid that are common within diets in the United States and compared them to the rate of stroke that occurred within this sample of subjects.
They didn't find a relevant connection between these because the study looked at such a wide array of different flavonoids, but they did find a connection between stroke and citrus consumption, which was something that was not entirely expected.
This was a good thing, though, because citrus fruit is readily available and tastes good too.
The study looked mainly at oranges, orange juice, grapefruits, and grapefruit juice, although researchers did urge subjects to focus mainly on the fruit and less on the juice in order to decrease excessive sugar consumption.
There are still many loose ends that can be tied up with further research.
For example, what type of benefit do citrus fruit have upon men of the same age bracket? Is their risk of stroke also decreased when they consume oranges and grapefruit? These questions can very easily be addressed in future studies, although this could prove to be very time consuming.
In order for such a study to prove accurate, many years of data will be necessary, but odds are that these things will benefit men just as well as they benefit women.