Over-Pronation - Defined
As we step, the foot goes through many different ranges of motion. Two of these motions are pronation and supination. Simply stated, Pronation is an inward rolling of the foot while Supination is an outward rolling of the foot as we walk or run.
Pronation is the ability of the foot to adapt to uneven terrain as well as to offer some shock absorption when the foot strikes the ground. Pronation is a very important function for the foot and it is vitally important that this function be in correct balance and alignment.
Studies have shown that approximately eighty percent of the population pronates more than they need to as they move through the motions of a step. This staggering statistic correlates with the high number of people that endure some foot discomfort.
Most over-pronation problems can be corrected with the use of good quality Orthotic Arch Support Insoles. Many styles and types are available for a reasonable price; including, Superfeet Premium Insoles, Spenco Orthotics and Insoles, Sof Sole Performance Insoles as well as a few other notable brands.
The goal of any quality Orthotic Insole should be to increase stability, balance and alignment to control pronation. By controlling the excessive pronation within the foot, the body can be much more efficient and pain-free.
Superfeet Premium Insoles are available in several styles to accommodate different foot types and different shoe types. Superfeet Insoles are available for dress shoes, casual shoes, athletic/running shoes, women's flats and high heels.
For detailed information on Superfeet Premium Insoles or other fine quality foot care products, visit The Insole Store today!
Pronation is the ability of the foot to adapt to uneven terrain as well as to offer some shock absorption when the foot strikes the ground. Pronation is a very important function for the foot and it is vitally important that this function be in correct balance and alignment.
Studies have shown that approximately eighty percent of the population pronates more than they need to as they move through the motions of a step. This staggering statistic correlates with the high number of people that endure some foot discomfort.
Most over-pronation problems can be corrected with the use of good quality Orthotic Arch Support Insoles. Many styles and types are available for a reasonable price; including, Superfeet Premium Insoles, Spenco Orthotics and Insoles, Sof Sole Performance Insoles as well as a few other notable brands.
The goal of any quality Orthotic Insole should be to increase stability, balance and alignment to control pronation. By controlling the excessive pronation within the foot, the body can be much more efficient and pain-free.
Superfeet Premium Insoles are available in several styles to accommodate different foot types and different shoe types. Superfeet Insoles are available for dress shoes, casual shoes, athletic/running shoes, women's flats and high heels.
For detailed information on Superfeet Premium Insoles or other fine quality foot care products, visit The Insole Store today!